The Storm - chapter 14

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Paul's pov

I jogged down the pavement, the rain had gotten a lot more heavy since leaving Mimi's and the street was now covered in rain and puddles.
  I didn't take the bus because I couldn't be assed waiting for it. The bar wasn't really that far away and besides, walking alone, even it's it's in the rain, really gives you time to think freely.

  I gazed up into the sky as a loud crash sounded, pulling me out of my thoughts. There was no lighting I could see yet but the rain had gotten even more heavy and thunder, I'm sure, would soon follow.
  Truthfully I quite like the rain. I mean I'd definitely enjoy it more if I was wrapped up in a thick coat instead of a thin, hoodless, jacket but I still, I enjoyed it.
  I always get this rush of adrenaline​, freedom when I'm out in the rain. For a while I just forget all the stress I have and all the consequences of being out in the cold, rainy weather and just enjoy it.


  The sky flashed with light. Thunder! I loved thunderstorms! They always scared me as a child but my mum had shown me that their nothing to be afraid of. Really, it's just electricity and it's very rare that they actually hurt you.


   I see the bar in the distance. I sigh slightly at the thought of leaving the rain so soon. I mean, I was already completely drenched and enjoying myself so why get out so soon?


  I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Bringing it to my mouth as the pub came clearer and clearer as I got closer and closer. I breathed out the smoke. I'll just stand in the alley for a while. It protects be from being noticed and it allows me to stay in the thunder storm later. Perfect.
  For the first Time, I sort of regret the album. I mean, if it takes of and we start putting out more and more it'll get harder and harder to do things without being recognized and or criticized.
  Just imagine "The beatles bassist Paul McCartney caught running about alone in a thunderstorm"
  I don't want that. But I guess that's to achieve my dreams I'll have to give some things up.


  Once at the pub I turn into the alley besides and continue smoking my cig. My clothes were completely drenched but I didn't care. The constant heavy patter of the rain was to calming. I couldn't bring myself to care about something as little as that.


  A sound came from the back of the alley. What was that? I mean it's probably not a drug deal because who the fuck moans in a drug deal? "Mghn, yeah give me then sweet drugs babe."
Like thats just wired.

  "J-john, like that?"

  there it as again. I'm not exactly sure what they said. It was more of a hushed, quiet whisper than anything. They were definitely trying to go unnoticed.

  "See? Just hqnrmfj I thought​, you like it."


  The last sentence was even less understandable. But the voice was a lot more definitive. It's just the words were slurred. Most likely from alchahol.
  Though, if I'm not mistaken. I think I heard pete. The Pete we kicked out of the band. And, he said a lads name. John to be exact.

  My feet start walking to the back of the alley, before I could stop my curiosity. I tried to walk as softly as possible Incase they heard me. But if I'm completely honest, from what I can here as I get closer and closer makes me think they're way to... Into it to really notice me walking.

  I tip toed my way to the very back of the alley, there was this little left turn at the back that didn't lead anywhere. Really, it was were the bins were kept but it was also where people hooked up.  Personally, I thought it was minging. Fucking our being fucked by someone next to some dirty bins? Ew.

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