let me talk to him - chapter 16

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    George's POV

  I lay on the couch staring at the TV, day dreaming. It was around 3AM now yet i was still wide awake.
  Paul had fallen asleep curled up into my side about an hour ago. His soft hair had now dried and it was laying scruffy all over the place and his arms had found their way around my waist.
  I really should have dozed off with him as we had a big day tomorrow, well today actually. But I just stayed up anyway. Just thinking.
  We had a press conference early in the morning followed by a photo shoot, then a gig and finally a train to Manchester for a show coming up the next night.
  Ideally, I should of been in bed by around 10. But as you can tell, that hasn't been the case. I could have gone to sleep with Paul and have a little bit more sleep but my thoughts were keeping me awake.

  Like, what happened while I was asleep? Apparently, Paul had gone to the bar and found his loving... Boyfriend kissing our ex drummer in a dirty alley. But why? Why was Paul going to the bar anyway? Why was John at the bar? Why was John at the bar with Pete? Why john kissing Pete? The last one was the main question here. Me and John had been fighting over the beautiful boy in my arms for ages now and when John seemed to have Paul all to himself, he went and cheated on him. Why? I mean I wasn't complaining, I knew I could treat Paul a lot better than John was at the moment so I think I'm doing pretty good with trying to win Paul over at the mome-

*Click click* (what does knocking on a window sound like?)

  I looked over to where the sudden noise came from, the window.
  To my surprise, it was John stood there. Why the fuck is everyone around my house tonight?!
  And why was John here anyway? How did he know Paul was here? And why was he chasing Paul? Wouldn't he be with Pete?
  'let me in' he mouthed. Something like that anyway. He was soaked though from the rain and his freezing red hand was pointing towards the door.
  I don't think I should let him in really. Paul really desurved a rest after what he's seen and I'm very happy to spend the night wrapped in his arms.
  But, I should probably see why he's here and ask him why the fuck he was making out with Pete.

  I slowly attempt to lift Paul. He stirred a bit as his arms were removed from around my waist but remained asleep. Slowly, I slide from under him and onto the ground. Careful not to wake the sleeping boy.
  I yawn and stretch before walking to the door, tiredness starting to creep up on me.
  I tip toe over to the door, unlock it and open it fully. Knowing it was John.

  "Why the fuck are you here?!"

  I asked John, in a angry whisper. Not wanting to wake Paul.

  "Because I need to talk to Paul."

  John remarked. As if it were obvious. why on Earth did he think he had a right to talk to Paul anyway? Doesn't he think he's put the boy though enough?

  "And why do you think this is a good time?"

  I asked. Placing my hand on the doorknob.


  All I got I'm reply. John's words were slightly slurred and it didn't really seem as if he understood the whole situation entirely.
  Suddenly it clicked. He was drunk. He did it because he was drunk! Which of Course isn't an excuse.  But him being drunk obviously influenced some his actions. Like talking to Pete.

  Though I wouldn't do it even if I was fucking hammered

  "Well go home! Talk to him tomorrow or something! He's asleep now anyway!"

  I say, shutting the door on him. I sigh. What was even happening? Everythings so complicated at this point.
  I ignore the banging and return to my stop on the couch. As soon as my head it the arm rest Paul's arms were wrapped around me again. I smiled. Paul could always make me feel better.

Fuck tomorrow is going to be stressful.

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