the coach ride- chapter 6

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"dibs on sitting with Johnny!"

Paul yells jumping up and sprinting out the room, past Brian and George and to where the taxis would be parked. Leaving John, Ringo and George alone in the hotel room.

"Well I guess that means I'm with him."

John smiles, mainly aiming it at George. Paul did love him. George is just trying to get in-between us!

John leaves, happy, leaving George and Ringo alone in the hotel room.

Ringo's pov

"Um, I guess that leaves me and you?"

I laugh, ignoring the rather jealous expression spread across his face. deep down I'm happy that George and I will get to be together. With George always talking and sitting with Paul I never really felt like I got the chance to bond with my best friend.

I adore George, there's no denying that anymore, he's just everything I want and more. His beautiful voice, slim body, amazing humor. I could go on.

God, I sound like a love sick bird.
I shouldn't really be thinking about this. But I feel something I can't help, it's like I don't want to be without him.

If only he felt the same.

"I guess so..."

Goerge puffed out, annoyed. I let out an unsteady breath. I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt, I love spending time with my best friend. It was never a question, John and paul, me and George. now it's as if he doesn't even want to be around me. Niether John or George really want to be around me, I'm just the one that's left. When one gets the prize, the loser is left with Ringo, just Ringo.
The only boy on his best mates mind is Paul. I doubt I even have second place in his mind.

I know this wasn't the case, George doesn't hate him, he'd just preoccupied right now.

Preoccupied with the boy he loves

I looked down at my feet, I tried not to let the slight hurt show on my face, but I know I could never cover it up entirely.
Slowly, turned and walked out of the hotel. Goerge following close behind,oblivious.

The coach ride was going as expected, Paul and John had sat together, obviously. And George hadn't even given me any notice and sat alone. As if I don't exist.
I hated feeling like this. These boys where family to me. I think of them so highly and the only one who returns to treatment is Paul. And he can't even spend time with me with the boys are constantly with him.
They wouldn't even sit with me.
I suppose this is what Pete best felt like though. Excluded.
Well he must have felt like that until he was sacked. Dropped. Forgotten.

I know that wouldn't happen to me. We were to big to drop me so suddenly.

But if they could. I bet they would.

Ten minutes later

Later into the car ride and not much has changed. Paul had fallen asleep in John's arms and every so often he would kiss John's chest in his sleep. Not helping the envy George was showing.
I has left alone with my thoughts, as I had suspected. Tears had welled up in my eyes. But my band mates had failed to notice. Well the ones that weren't asleep hadn't.
A few tears has slipped down my cheek, but they weren't really noticable.
I hated crying like this. I was a man for fuck sake! I'm a mad and I'm acting like a bird! In fucking chasing my crush and crying that they will never love me.


I turn to look at the back of the bus. John and paul were now asleep, all cuddled up in the back of the bus.
But now Georgie was reading. He was looking down at the book, his eyebrows scrunched up as he attempted to read with the sun shining into his eyes.

"Ringo? You OK buddy? You look like you're crying."

Brian stares at me worryingly. Is it really that noticable? He unbuckled his seat belt and left his place next to George Martin on the bus in order to sit next to me.
He placed a strong hand on my back in attempt to be comforting. But it didn't seem like it, in fact it just added to the tears.
It was one thing to cry like a bird, but to be caught doing it is another thing.
A few more tears slipped down my cheeks, causing me to close my eyes in shame, making even more tears fall. I shook Brian's hand off. It just added to the shame that ripped though me.
At this point I could here George shift in his chair, he's noticed me crying.


I stopped before I finished talking, scared I would be cut off by a sob and a pile of tears if I didn't.

"Ca, u, can we. Stop. I need the. I need the bathroom"

I say, constantly cutting my self of to avoid tears. Though many still fell.

"OK, can we stop at the nearest service station please?"

Brian calls to the driver, still not leaving the seat next to me.
At least Someone cares.

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