the studio - chapter 11

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John's pov

"All my loving I will send to you"

Paul sang into the microphone, I didn't care at all for this song. If I had it my way it wouldn't be on the album but Paul was set on it and of course George had his fucking back. He had always had his back for the past few days to my dismay.

The past few days hadn't gone so well to be honest. We had two days off before we started the practicing and recording sessions on our second album of the year. We reckoned it'd come out around November so we had around 8 months to write, practice and record the album all while dealing with the press and attention from the first album.
Which I honestly though we would cope quite well with. But not even one day into the first day back and it was already proving difficult. For Paul at least.
Paul had thought of this song, which he called "all my loving" while in the van returning to Liverpool and rather than doing it with me, he chose to work on it over the break with George. Meaning I couldn't see my Macca at all without that fucking vampire being there all because I didn't like this soppy love song.
Whenever me and Paul would be watching TV or eating dinner I couldn't even be close to him because I knew that skinny bastard would be there.
I had attempted to get close to him regardless of Harrison being there but Paul wasn't having it, whenever​ I were to kiss his cheek while we were relaxing on the couch under blankets watching TV he would just blush slightly and scoot away. I even tried to cuddle with him but again he'd scoot away closer to George. which left a tension between me and Paul which I could feel getting stonger by the hour.

And I know this won't end well.

"Paul you're bass sounds shitty. Maybe try playing in key!"

I remark, leaning back on my chair, I'd been pushing it for most if the day now, making loads of comments and "constructive criticism" as I called it on Paul's work. Fully knowing his temper was almost up but I continued to push it. I was just enjoying watching him get pissed so much and not really thinking about the outcome.

"I'm trying John! Can you just shut the fuck up for a second!"

Paul yells defensively. He was at his fucking boiling point now. And yet I didn't want to stop.
I'd be so pissed at Paul and George's closeness over the past few days I just wanted to get the anger out. And k didn't care how.

"Why should I? The songs shit regardless so why are you wasting our fucking time recording it? Like we have better songs to be working on than your sappy love shit. We'll work on this... Record filler once we're done with the actually worth while songs ok?"

I say, not really thinking about what I said untill I saw Paul's face. His shoulders slumped down and his eyes grew noticbly wider from the surprise of the out Burst. No tears lined his eyes but with a few extra pushes there will be. Well there's no going back now.

"Im leaving, I'll come back in a few days when we have a decent song to work on."

I say, standing up with my fists clenched and my jaw strained. I cross the room to fetch my coat before heading straight to the exit and out the door. Leaving Paul, Ringo and Harrison behind with nothing but a short glace at Paul's hurt face before left.
I didn't know where I was going when I left, all I knew is that wherever I went it had to be fucking far from here. I paced back and forwards down the streets before my feet finally stopped outside Mimi's house after passing it about four times.


I waited by the door for Mimi to unlock it and left me in. Fuck I hope she's in.
I shortly thought about how Paul might be doing but soon shook the thought for my mind. I didn't want to think about paul right now, it'd just make me feel bad.
I was pulled from my thoughts when Mimi opened the door wearing an apron.

"John. How about you give me some warning before you come over? I have guest's coming soon!"


Another chapter because I hit 300! If I hit 400 this week I won't upload an extra chapter until I reach 500 because I don't want to be uploading them so requently because I feel like it really effects the quality of them.
Thank you all so so much for 300 reads by the way! Comments are appreciated.

Instagram: _jcmd_

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