toppermost of the poppermost-chapter 5

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"well done! you amazing fucking athlete!" George laughed, earning another collective laugh from the group, excluding me, who is still pissed off that the previous events.

"well of fucking course I am I'm Paul fucking McCartney!"

Paul boasted. Smiling at me what that smile that would make all the birds swoon.

Ringo's pov

Once the laughter had died down slightly there was a slight tension left, (most likely left by the conversation that must have gone on in the lift) which seemed to go unnoticed by Paul.

"Well lads! What are we going to do to kill time? We've got like an hour or somthin."

I asked, to get things to normal, I hated it being like this, luckily I never really got like this. But I have a horrible feeling that we'll be experiencing this tension a lot more.

"I don't know, we don't have to do anything really. Let's just watch TV. It's not often we get to do that now with our album success!"

Paul boasted, smirking. Obviously proud of our bands achievements, and he should be. Wasn't long ago they were the quarrymen and John was stuck in the art collage with paul and George in school.

Everyone nodded in agreement as I went to unlock the door to John and Paul's apartment, holding it open as Paul walked in.

"well thank you good sir."

Paul says in a posh voice, similar to the way our mothers tried to make us speak.

"my please malady."

I laughed as John walked past, seeming amused by our joking.

"awe princess Paulie."

George joked with that beautiful smile. Making John glance at him warningly.

George only smirked at the dirty look, it clearly didn't bother him like it normally would. The youngest Beatle was always intimidated by John, although now it looked as if it didn't bother him in the slightest. What the fuck happened in that lift?

George walked past me last. His arm brushes against mine as he enters. Making my heart flutter.

I'm not some love struck bird, I shouldn't be acting like this. But I couldn't help it. I've always felt like that with George. No one but George.

It didn't matter though. He would never feel the affection I feel for him. He's fallen for Paul. Fallen hard for paul and there's nothing I can Do. As long as he's happy I don't care though. Well at least I'll try and not to. I'll try and be happy for him. Though I don't think I'll ever be fully over him.

*45 minutes later*

Third person pov

All four Beatles sat on the couch watching the news. None of them were particularly interested in the news. But today was an acception , they were on it.

"the Beatles are having phenomenal success! Their newest album, please please has reached number one on Musical Express and Melody Maker charts. However, it only reached number two on the Record Retailer chart (which is now the UK singles chart). We haven't really seen a band like this and it looks as though they have the potential to become potentially the next Elvis!"

The four looked at the screen awe. They've always said they wanted to be bigger than elvis, but no one had ever really said that to them.

"um, do you think we'll be as good as elvis Johnny?"

Paul asked, generally wondering. He looked to his right to gaze at John who was sat at the edge on the couch, waiting for an answer.

"of course we'll be Paulie! To the toppermost of the poppermost! That's where we're going!"


The three Beatles cheered (with smiles on their faces) in agreement, clinking their class coke bottles together which they had gotten from room service. The band was back to how they were before the lift. The incident completely forgotten about for the time being.

*knock knock*

Brian stood outside the door, George Martin by his side.

"lads! Taxis here, it's a six seater so no arguing with who has to go with us!"

Brian explains, remembering the previous fight they had on the way here, which ended in Paul getting upset and George taking one for the team and sitting with Brian and George.

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