Chapter 20

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April stared at herself in the body length mirror in their bedroom. She was in jeans and a tank top with sneakers on her feet. She was supposed to be getting ready for work. But she couldn't stop staring at herself or ignore the feeling.

Her trip to Ohio was filled with talks with her sisters and mother about having another baby. But she and Jackson hadn't been so lucky then.

Now though, she was starting to think they were. She had been having this weird feeling soon after they got back from Ohio a week ago. It was a similar feeling she had when she was pregnant with Lydia. Was she really pregnant? A feeling could just be a feeling...right? But then again, when she was on her period about two weeks ago, it was light. She thought nothing of it. But now, she didn't think so.

She turned to the side, looking at her profile. She had gained weight, she could tell. Plus her sisters had pointed it out once when they were in Ohio. Was she gaining weight because she was pregnant?

She smiled at her reflection, she really hoped she was.

"Babe, you ready?" she heard Jackson calling from the living room

"I'm coming" she yelled back before taking one last look in the mirror and gathering her things

She quickly headed out the room to meet Jackson and Lydia who were waiting for her. She would have to confirm her suspicions when she got back.

But she couldn't believe it, she might actually be pregnant.


The usual hustle and bustle of the E.R were nonexistent and April was weirdly grateful for it. The possibility of being pregnant hadn't left her mind and she liked that she didn't have a lot to do that the thought could distract her from.

But now she had to try to put those feelings and thoughts away because she was dealing with a mother and her six-year-old son who had arrived in the E.R.

"He mentioned a headache too," the mother said, rubbing her son's head

"Has he ever had these symptoms before?" April asked

"Yes, but never together like this" she explained

"Well, it seems like it's a virus" the surgeon explained "We're gonna get an IV going and I'll come back to check on him in an hour or so"

"Is he going to be Ok? I've never seen him like this before" the worried mother asked

"He'll be fine Ms. Martel" April calmly said "Viruses run their course and after a few days, he'll be back to himself"

The mother nodded.

"So, one of the residents will hook him up to an IV, check up on him regularly and I'll be back later to see how everything is working out so I could discharge him"

The mother nodded again "Thank you so much Dr. Kepner" she said

"You're welcome" April smiled

After informing one of the residents on what to do, she found herself back at the nurse's station and her mind back on the possibility of having another child.


Luckily for April, she didn't have to deal with any more mothers and sick boys that day and her time in the E.R continued going smoothly. She eventually took a break and headed to the cafeteria where she waited for Arizona to join her.

As she waited and her lunch sat in front of her, she found herself searching for "Best dad" T-shirts on Amazon. It had always been her dream to tell her husband she was pregnant that way. With Lydia, things were...difficult, but now she might have the chance to do it the way she dreamt she always would.

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