Chapter 13

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Smiles appeared on parents faces as they saw their children coming down the halls with police officers escorting them. April peered over heads and shoulders, while Jackson tried to see around the people standing infront of him. All they wanted to see was their daughter.

The group of children dispersed as they ran to their parents.

"Oh Sophia" Callie said scooping her daughter up off the floor

After a tight hug, the little girl was quickly inspected by her mothers.

Zola was also being held tightly by her mother, while her brother was crying his eyes out in Derek's arms.

"You're safe now, I got you" Derek said soothingly to him

A crying Paige was handed to Jo, and she went to straight to calming her down

"It's ok, mommy's here" she said rocking back and forth while Alex stood over them, relieved that his daughter was in his sight.

April looked around at the reunited parents and children, and she still couldn't find her daughter in the crowd.

"Lydia?!" she called out "Lydia?!" she said more frantically when she wasn't getting a reply

Jackson was just as panicked, he just wasn't saying anything. He just kept his eyes peeled for a bundle of brown curls that should be coming his way.

Bailey was still crying his eyes out in his father's arms, and Derek wasn't sure what else to do to calm him down.

"What's wrong Zola?" Derek turned when he heard Meredith ask the question

Zola had all of a sudden begun crying and Meredith had stooped down in front of her, trying to find out what was wrong.


Derek had turned again to the sound of Callie's voice. Sophia had now joined the crying fest while her head was buried in Arizona's neck.

Derek looked at the other children, then at Bailey, Zola and Sophia. The other kids seemed relievedand happy to finally be with their parents. Their kids on the other had didn't seem the least bit relieved. Something was wrong.

"Are you Lydia Avery's mother?" and officer asked approaching April

"Yes" she quickly answered with a nod "Where is she?"

"Ma'am, I need you to come with me"

"Come with you?" April asked confused "Why? Is something wrong? Did something happen to her?" she continued, her panicked state increasing

"Ma'am please..."

"What's going on? Is my daughter O.K?" Jackson asked after overhearing the conversation

"I'll need you both to come with me" the officer replied

"No" Jackson said angered "Tell us now, what's going on?"

The officer sighed before calling his chief over. He had been dealing with worried parents all day and he knew there was no calming them down, especially in a situation like this. He didn't want to be the one to give the news this time.

"This is Lydia Avery's parents" he said pointing to Jackson and April once his Chief arrived

The chief gave him a nod in understanding and he walked away

"Where's our daughter?" Jackson asked

Chief Andrews looked sympathetically at them before answering "She's still in the daycare"

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