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4:25 PM

"fuck." i whisper to myself as i sit up from bed. my head is throbbing and i smell and feel like shit. i scan my surroundings and see that no one else is here. they were kind enough to leave a bottle of water and some aspirin on the desk next to me.

i grab my phone which is on the desk as well, and see that i have 37 texts and 13 missed calls, from the four boys.

here are the one's that caught my eye:

fr: all the bitches in the (calum) hood

we have a gig at 5 PM

fr: who is this

i hope you wake up before five

fr: drummer boi

ky! i left a bottle of water and some aspirin next to your phone. take those and get ready as soon as u wake up, we have a gig at 5! unexpected, really

fr: main boi lucas

we have a gig at the same club u got drunk in at 5 PM. wake up, drunkard

i groan as i get up, seeing that i only have a few minutes left to get ready. i take a quick hot bath and dress into denim shorts and a white flowy tank top along with my slippers. i bring a jacket in case it gets cold.

5:05 PM

i have arrived just in time, panting, as i try my best to push people aside so i can stand closer to the stage.

i stop the closest i can get, luke immediately sees me and smiles, i wave at him.

"good evening, we're five seconds of summer here to present our two self-written songs and a cover by maroon 5." he speaks into the microphone, and the audience cheers them on.

"this is dedicated to you." he says, but he isn't looking at me. i follow his gaze and i see that he is looking at the tall blond standing a couple of feet away from me.

fucking hell.

she's smiling, and i want nothing but to smile as wide as she is.

they sang disconnected, out of my limit, and she will be loved by maroon 5.

while luke was singing disconnected and out of my limit, he was staring at jane.

but while he was singing she will be loved, i could have sworn he was looking at me.

such mockery.

6:57 PM

"you guys were so great!" jane exclaims happily as the boys meet us at our table in the club.

they all smile at her and say their thank you's.

"amazing as always." i tell them. they all smile at me. i have watched every single one of their gigs ever since they started performing.

"so? should we stay here or should we move some place else?" michael asks, but i can tell he wants to stay here as he eyes a girl with auburn hair at the distance.

"let's stay here. first round's on me." calum grins, but jane reminds us that she could only drink water or iced tea.

"let's play truth or dare once we're all drunk." ashton smirks, and we all agree to that.

who knows what could go wrong tonight?

ky is so on that "yolo" stage lmao ME

- au

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