KeithxShiroxLance: What the quiznak happened?!?

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((Based off another post. Some of these are so fucking cute,others are just pure porn.(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))

No one knew why,or how,or when- scratch that last part. They DID know when. Right after they went to that stupid planet to help some 'victims of robbery' on an asteroid belt. Turned out to be a fucking Galra follower,which resulted in serious ass kicking. On the downside,Keith got sprayed with some kind of mist and had passed out. The paladins too him inside the ship and waited for the healing pods yo see what damage had been done. Coran said nothing major,but something wasn't was stating that he was MUCH too young to be in space. Which was weird,because he's 18. The machine did some more tests and then stated that 'six month olds were NOT allowed on the ship'. Again,what the quiznak? He was 18! Not six months! Shiro groaned,banging his head on the  table. Lance winced and patted his lover's back.

"Babe,it'll be okay. Allura is looking for the cause,its okay." Shiro looked at him.

"Its NOT okay! Those,those,HOBGOBBLINS turned our Keith into a child!"

"To be fair,he was already acting like one. Now he just,ya know,is one." Pidge piped up. Lance and Shiro glared at them while Hunk snorted and held in a laugh,concentrating on playing peek a boo with Keith. Shiro sighed and sat up.

"Here Hunk,hand him to me."

"Wow,alliteration much?" Pidge snit,smirking and ducking as a cup went flying at their head. Hunk handed Keith to Shiro,and they were rewarded with the cutest of squeals and beaming doe eyes.

" 'Addy!" He gurgled,beaming innocently. Shiro went red in the face as the rest of the paladins busted out in laughter. Lance put a hand on Shiro's shoulder,giggling.

"Aw,look! Even when he's small he still knows you're name!" Shiro glared.

"Yeah,and that still applies to YOU little boy." He growled. Lance squeaked and blushed.

"S-sowwey." Shiro gave him one final stare and turned back to Keith,who was playing with Shiro's robotic arm. His fingers traced up it,to the part where the skin and metal meet. He sensed something and soon,tears were falling down the regressed red paladin's face. The team cooed and tried to comfort the small boy.

"Hey hey hey little man. Its okay. What's wrong buddy?" Shiro soothed.

"Potty?" Hunk asked. Keith shook his head.

"Hungry?" Lance tried. Another shake.

"Did you smell Shiro's BO?" Pidge asked. A smack on the head and another shake.

"What is it baby?" Shiro tried again. Keith sniffled and pointed to his lover's robotic arm.

"D-Daddy huwt........b-baby sowwey! Baby bad baby! Daddy h-huwt cauws me!" He sobbed. Shiro cooed and held his tiny love close.

"No no no pumpkin,this had nothing to do with you. It was all those icky Galra,not you my sweet love."

"B-but I icky Gawa!"

"No,you're a GOOD Galra. The best." Lance said.

"The cutest." Hunk added.

"Furriest." Pidge stated.

"And the sweetest. You aren't like the others baby." Shiro finished. Keith sniffled and cuddled into his chest,making the crew coo. Maybe a baby Keith wasn't all bad.............

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