Bonus Chapter

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Lashea is now 28. She graduated college and is a single parent to her 5 year old daughter Alaïa Elizabeth Melancon. What happens when she runs into her ex back home? Does she tell him she never lost feelings for him even though he's engaged to be married? Or does she push the feelings aside and finally moves on? Oh how the drama continues.

 What happens when she runs into her ex back home? Does she tell him she never lost feelings for him even though he's engaged to be married? Or does she push the feelings aside and finally moves on? Oh how the drama continues

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Lashea's POV:

"Alaïa! Get down here we gotta get going!" I scream to my 5 year old daughter as I finish putting the last bit of clothes in the 5th suitcase and zip it closed.

"Coming!" I hear her scream as I drag the suitcase to the door. "I'm sorry I forgot to grab Boom Boom." She says holding her 4 year old teddy close to her.

"It's okay baby. Grab your bag and get in the car so we can leave." She nodded and did as I asked. Compared to other kids her age Alaïa is pretty well behaved. She does as she's told and doesn't talk back. I've hit the jackpot in the children's department. I wouldn't trade my baby for the world. I just wish her father could say the same. I haven't seen him since he left when Alaïa was 3. He said having the responsibility of caring and nurturing a child was too much for him so he left. Honestly it was for the best but Alaïa really needs that father figure in her life. I know what it's like not having one around and it's sucks. I hate that my baby has to go through this. It kills me but there's really nothing I can do about it. She has me though and that will never change.

"Mommy why are we going to grandpa's again?" I heard Alaïa asked breaking me way from my thoughts. I look at her through the rearview mirror and see her bright blue eyes staring back my me. I smile and look back at the road in front of me.

"Because it's Aunt G's birthday. She doesn't know we are coming so it's going to be a surprise." I look back at her again and see her smiling.

"Yay! I miss Aunt G! She always gives the best hugs!" She yells with excitement as she hugs her teddy.

"Hey! What about me?" I say pouting out my lip.

"You're hugs are great too mommy !" I smile thank her. This little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just wish mom was here to see how much of a blessing she is. God I miss her so much. Is been 10 years but it still hurts. She was my best friend. I just hope nothing like that happens to me. I do not want my babygirl to go through that kind of heartbreak.

•|3 hours later|•

I parked the car in Dads driveway and looked in the backseat. Alaïa was passed out using her teddy as a pillow and her favorite book was still wedged in her tiny hand. I quickly took my phone out and snapped a picture before stepping out the car and walking over to her door.

"Alaïa" I said softly shaking her. "Baby wake up. We're here." I started undoing her car seat and her eyes fluttered open. "Come on baby. We're at grandpa's." As soon as she heard grandpa she jumped up and started screaming.

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