Chapter 39

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Before you start reading  this chapter I will have to warn you that you'll either cry or just want to beat the crap out of me or both so I want to apologize in advance. I'm truly sorry for what's about to go down just please don't hate me! ❤️ 

I love you! ❤️
Lashea's POV:

"Zach this is the tenth time I've called you. I know you probably hate me but the least you could do is let me know you're safe. You're mom told me you didn't go home last night. Where are you? Please just call me back. I love you." Leaving the tenth voicemail today I hung up the phone and continued to paste around my room worried and annoyed as hell. I know he hates me right now but he didn't have to fucking run away like that. 'Where could he have gone?'

Zach's POV:

As I opened my eyes I realized that I was not home. 'This is not my room.' I thought to myself. 'Where the fuck am I?'

My head started to ache so I went to rub it but my hands were stuck behind me. I looked around and saw that I was chained down to a chair in the middle of some dark room with the only light source being a small light bulb hanging front the ceiling.

I tried my hardest to release my hands but the harder I pulled the more it hurt so I stopped trying. 'Maybe there's something around I can undo it with?' I looked around for something to free myself but there was nothing else in the room. Just the light bulb and me in the chair. 'What the fuck is happening?'

Lashea's POV:

"Maybe he went for a walk and got lost?" David said as we all tried to figure out where the hell Zach could have gone.

"No no he would have called someone." I said still pasting back and forth but in the living room this time.

"His phone could be dead." Brooklyn said trying to come to a conclusion.

"Great. He's out there God only knows where with no one and no way to contact anyone? This is all my fault!" I screamed out in frustration as I fell to the floor hugging my knees crying.

"Why would this be your fault sweetie? Zach chose to walk off. You didn't do anything." Mrs. Apryll said trying to calm me but it didn't work at all.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Apryll but saying it's not my fault isn't going to help because I know it is. I'm the reason why we fought. I'm the reason why he walked out on me. I'm the reason why he's gone and is probably in trouble and we can't do anything about it because we don't know where the hell he is. I told him I'd keep him safe. I've failed him. God I'm so fucking stupid!" I yelled out again in frustration.

"Lashea look I know it's terrible what has happened but we are all trying to help so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't speak to us in that way and about yourself like that." David said in an slightly annoyed tone. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed out right now. Let's go ride around to see if we can see him or something. I don't know." I said standing up along with everyone else.

"That sounds like a good idea. Shawn Brooklyn go with Lashea and Mrs. Apryll. I'll stay here with mom and the little ones." David said looking at the two oldest boys. "You text us with any news. Good or bad okay?" I nodded and pulled him into a hug.

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