Chapter 5

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It's been two months since I've seen him. During those two months I was afraid that he'd come back and kill us but Zach was there to help me.

He'd come over everyday to see how I'm doing.

We'd hangout everyday.

We'd broadcast everyday and night.

We've been getting to know each other more and more and I'm starting to like like him more and more.

I have a small feeling that he feels the same way too but it's small so maybe is not true.

Right now I'm currently in my room with Marie watching movies on Netflix and eating junk food. She just came back from Mexico last weekend so we are spending lots of time with each other. I told her about the whole carnival thing and she feels bad that she wasn't there for me. I told her that i understood why she couldn't come with us and that it's fine. I don't want her to be in my situations. I know she's like family to me but Joey doesn't know who she is so I'd like to keep it at that.

School has been hell because there's this new kid and he's always picking on me. I haven't told Marie or Zach though. I just don't want them to get involved in it especially Zach.

I wouldn't want him to get suspended or anything because of him. I would feel really bad if that happened.

"Hey do you want to do something else? We've been doing this for 4 hours."

"Umm how about we go swimming? You could borrow one of my bathing suits again."

"Sweet. How about we invite Zach and Bailey over too? If that's alright with you."

"Sure you call Bailey and I'll go get Zach."

Bailey is Marie's new boyfriend. He moved down from Kentucky a month ago and they started dating two weeks ago. I think that they are just adorable. Like once they meet they knew they were made for each other. Kinda like Zach and I but we aren't dating.

"Hey Zach! Zach! Za... Oh hey can you come over and swim with us? We got bored just watching movies and eating food. Kinda weird but it's true."

"Sure let me finish this broadcast and I'll be right over."

"Thanks boob."

"Did you just call me a boob?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"Well yeah you called me a boob. That's not right. I mean I love boobs. A lot. But I don't look like one."

"Okay okay I'm sorry. See you later boob."

"Bailey's coming on a little bit. What did Zach say?"

"He's gonna finish his broadcast and he'll be over. They'll both be here by the time we both get everything ready."

"Okay did you get some new bathing suits?"

"Um yeah. When you were in Mexico Zach's mom took him Ty and I to the mall and I bought some new stuff."

"You really like Zach don't you?"

"What? No. What are you talking about?"

"Lashea. I can tell by the way you guys look at each other. And the way you guys are always hanging out. And the way you act when you're around him. You get so happy and smily when you're together. Yall should just date already."

"Okay okay. You got me. I really really like him. It's just *sigh* his eyes and that smile he has and he always keeps me smiling and laughing and I don't know. I guess with us hanging out all the time it makes me like him more and more. I get this tingly feeling when I'm around him. That sounded so cheesy but it's the truth. I had a feeling he was going to ask me out at the carnival the other day but then I ruined it by going to the bathroom. We'd be together by now if it wasn't for me. I should have just held it in."

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