Chapter 6

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It's soccer season! I'm so excited for tryouts!

I've been waiting for this day ever since I got here. Zach and I have been practicing a lot and he showed me some of his moves that he does to get on the team. I can do it but I get nervous and when I get nervous I tend to forget things and I screw it up. I don't want that to happen. I've played soccer before but two years ago I quit because I broke my ankle and I was scared I was gonna brake it again so I just stopped. I regret it but I had no choice.

After I got ready for school I put my awesome looking Galaxy soccer ball my matching cleats a water battle and my soccer uniform in my Nike soccer bag and left.

Zach was standing outside with his bag and we started to walk to school.

My ribs are completely healed now. The whole time I was out of school Zach would come straight here and take care of me. He's so sweet. Sometimes. Other times he can be a total jerk. But that's ok.

"So are you ready for today?"

"Oh yeah. I'm so excited. But if I don't make it no biggie. I'll still practice with you whenever you have time off."

"Thanks but between school and soccer and YouNow I don't think we'll be able to hang out a lot like we are doing now. I'm sorry my mom just stresses me out too much already with school. If I want to continue doing what I love then I can't have any distractions."

"Oh. Distractions got it. Ill talk to you later."

"Wait Lashea I didn't mean it like that."

After he said I was a distraction my heart felt like it tore into a million pieces and got thrown onto the floor. I don't even feel like going to practice anymore. They are having practice tomorrow too. Maybe I should just take a sick day.

When I got back home my mom was in the kitchen and when she saw me she started asking a lot of questions.

"Why are you back? Are you okay? Have you been crying?"

"I'm back because my ribs started to hurt. I'm fine. And yes I was crying. I was wondering if I could just take a sick day today? I know I missed a lot of school already but I don't think my ribs are ready for practice right now. They are having them tomorrow so I'll try tomorrow."

"That's fine. I have to go to the store in a bit. Just go back to bed. I'll call the school and tell them you won't be there."

"Thanks mom. Bye I love you."

"Love you too sweetie."

I just went to my room and locked myself inside. Maybe I should just stay away from Zach for a while. I won't be a distraction to him anymore. Maybe just a couple days. Or weeks. Maybe a year. I don't know.

I went to my closet and changed into some comfy clothes and laid down in my bed.

My phone was on silent because of school so when I went to check it I had 10 miss calls 5 from Zach 3 from Marie and 2 from an unknown number.

I also had 20 text messages from the both of them. I didn't reply to Zach but I told Marie that I was staying home because I wasn't feeling well and turned my phone off.

Today wasn't what I expected it to be. Hopefully they don't fill up the list for soccer tryouts just yet. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Maybe it won't.

I suddenly got really tired so I feel into a deep sleep.


Zach's POV:

"Wait Lashea I didn't mean it like that...Lashea!"

God I just screwed everything up between us. I didn't mean to say she was a distraction. She's far from a distraction but you know me. I don't think before I speak and it just came out.

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