Chapter 28

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•|New Years Eve|•

It's New Years Eve! I can't believe how fast 2015 flew by. It feels like just yesterday we were moving into our new house in a new state surrounded by new people. I guess they were right when they said time flies when you're having fun.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet to find an outfit to wear today. When I was satisfied with my choice I put it on and went to my desk to put on some light makeup. After that I put my shoes on and plugged in my curling wand to do some loose curls.

"Lashea! Zach's here!" My mom screamed from downstairs.

"Just send him up! I'm almost ready!" I replied back sitting on my bed. Today we are going to the park to watch the fireworks at midnight. There is going to be so many people there but Zach's family has a huge spot already set up for us so we don't have to go and look for one.

"Hey baby you're mom said to hurry up because she has to go pick up Marie too." Zach said once he got into my room.

"I'm almost done with my hair. It's not going to take long." I said half way done with the curls.

"Can I help?" Zach asked after about 5 minutes of just staring at me. I had like two parts left so I shrugged my shoulders and handed him the wand.

"Just take it like this and wrap it around the wand but don't pull it tight." I explain showing him how to do it. He nodded and did exactly as I said.

"Alright all done." He said unplugging the wand and laying it down in my desk to cool off. I looked in the mirror and smiled. He did a pretty good job for his first time. Better than what I did my first time.

"Wow Zach you did really good. Thank you." I said embracing him in a hug.

"Haha thanks and you're welcome. Now come on. It's been 20 minutes you're mom is probably getting impatient." He said pointing to the door. He kissed my head and walked out my room. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone and turned the lights out as I walked out the door following him.

"It's about time. They have been waiting on us for almost 30 minutes." My mom said once she saw me walk into the room.

"I'm sorry. Plus Marie is probably still doing her hair right now and it's just Ms. Sheila waiting on us and her." I said walking towards the door with them following me. Zach's family left early this morning to set up everything so that's why Zach is coming with us. He didn't want to wake up that early to go.

After we picked up Marie who was indeed still fixing her hair when we got there we drove to the park and there was so many people there. We could barely find a place to park but lucky for us there was one next to the entrance so everything's okay. We all piled out and followed Zach to where the spot was because he said they have the same spot every year.

"Hey guys! I almost thought you weren't coming." Mrs. Apryll said embrace of all of us in a hug one at a time.

"Oh don't be silly of course we would come. We just had some girls that were taking forever to get ready." My mom said pointing directly at Marie and I. I pushed her hand away and chuckled a bit.

"Haha I understand. Alright well there's food and drinks and chairs or blankets if you want to sit on the floor. Help yourself. The rest of the crew will be arriving soon." She said leading us to the canopy looking thing.

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