Dont you go to sleep at a sleepover?

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The signs were walking down the street when Leo spoke. "So guys did you ask your parents if you could have a sleepover" Leo asked
"Didn't we already tell you guys? Oh wait, I dont think I ever did? Hmm, well, their out on a business trip so we dont have to care" Aquarius stated lazily
"Yeah, mine are too, funny that it was a business trip as well" Pisces stated
"You guys know mine are in California" Cancer states
"My folk went to australia for a corperate company meeting, so, yeah, business trip" Capricorn states
"Whoa woah whoa did all of our parents go on a business trip minus Cancer" a series of yes were heard
"No" Sagittarius states simply
"My parents are in the woods for summer camping" He hums casually.
The group continues to walk, while chatting to each other.

5 hours later~
After each parting ways and getting their sleep gear and hygiene items they meet at the sibling's house. Aka, Libra and Aquarius' house

Aries immediatly sets up pranks to take down the unsuspecting victims. Poor Pisces was drenched in glue and feathers. Taurus had his pillow fort collaps on him. They out right ignored Capricorn and his needs for wifi (although nobody knows how Aries got the wifi password). Cancer's snacks were destroyed, and they were dumped into a pool. As Leo finished their funny story Aries jumped out of a closet and scared the living daylights out of him. At one point Aries tripped their own prank trap and was covered in whipped cream and Cherry pie.

Scorpio later joined in on Aries fun after she made Leo piss their pants. They hide in a trash bin (it was cleanish) and popped up when anyone tried to come near. Pisces jumped and their food landed all over Scorpio and Pisces. Pisces groaned because they just got clean after the glue and feathers so they were pretty agitated when when they had to take another bath. Libra walked in and saw the two all dirty they walked Pisces to the bathroom to glamor them up. Cancer scurried after them to make sure they didnt ruin Pisces with makup so thick that it could stop a bullet.

Taurus finished making their fort and ate potato chips while watching the telly. Gemini was looking extremely sleep deprived as they were dozing off every few minutes. After cleaning Pisces off Cancer went to make more snacks which pipped Taurus' intrest.
Leo started to tell more funny stories to Virgo as they were one of the only ones willing to listen. Virgo started talking about crushes, Leo was bright red as Virgo 'guessed' his crush. Libra joined in and started swapping beauty tips with Virgo.

After getting cleaned off Scorpio went with Aquarius to get the ouiji board and candles. They started to ask questions about where the ghost was born or what was its favorite food. As they tried to summon a ghost, Pisces fell asleep with the blanket sprawled across them and their teddy bear half way in their arms. Everyone snaked on the munchies and played man hunt with Sagittarius. Capricorn stayed inside trying to figure out the passsord for the wifi. After an hour they joined in on the game of man hunt. Pisces was deep in sleep as Cancer tucked them in. They were one of the first caught so thry went inside to tidy things up. The game ended in an hour as the victors were Aries and Leo. Everyone went to sleep except Gemini who was still trying to stay awake.
So how was this chapter bad? Yeah I know I try, I really do. Anyways the answer the the quiz was Nicholas. Another little quiz question What Is on of my favorite activities, there are many. Thats enough for not See ya Minions Random out~

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