Spending time on the machines that have taken over the world!

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"Lets play horror games!" Gemini exclaims

"After the real life horror we've been through no way" Pisces objected.
"I promise it wont even be that scary" Gemini said. He tried to sway her into playing until she finally agreed.
"We're going to play a walking dead game" Gemini exclaimed

1 hour later
After setting everything up on their computers and laptops the zodiac played the game. Pisces kept jumping and screaming, she was the first one to die. Cancer fell from her chair 3 times, and died second. Libra kept trying to play it safe by making many friends,they all back stabbed her and she died third. Taurus survived for a good bit, but died after forgetting to pause the game after getting a bag of chips. Gemini kept swearing and being reckless that ended up killing him, and making him rage quit. Virgo was playing smartly saving ammo and food taking in survivors until Aries came and blew her up with c4.

Leo survived longer than the first few who died, he came across a horde, got too cocky, tried to take em down, but died.
Aquarius was jumping from building to building not giving a crap about the zombies until she fell off and died. Saggitarius was hidden taking down zombies and building a base, that is until Aries came to his base with a butt load of c4. Capricorn and Scorpio teamed up and looted old buildings, Capricorn fell through a weak floor to his unfortunate dimise. Scorpio dissapeared into the game world and no one has heard from him since. Aries survived the whole game, she even claimed that she killed Scorpio, thats why he never came back.
"Well that was fun! Lets play another" Aries exclaimed.

"You only want to play because you won" Gemini grumbled

(in this story stranded deep will be an oculus rift rpg type game)
"Hey lets play stranded deep" Pisces suggested
"What that games boring" Aries groaned
"What afraid your going to lose" Leo challenged
"Hell no, bring it on asshole" Aries smirks

The crew Immidiatly started playing after setting up their own consoles individually.
"I found a flare, now lets flag down some boats and shit" Aries exclaims

"Oh what about my family, are they okay, how will they survive without me, what to do what to do" Taurus worried

"Ugh theres no signal, how did I even manage to keep ahold of my phone when its going to be useless" Gemini complains
"Okay so first lets cut down trees, make fire, make a house, hunt some crabs and fish, set some traps up, and get some coconuts" Cancer listed "easy" she chirped

Leo was having so much fun exploring he forgot he was even stranded on an island. Like Cancer, Virgo went straight into finding food and building a shelter.

"Now lets plot a way to escape this island" Virgo muttered
Libra tried making the experience fun, but she ended up worrying about senerios she made up in her head. Scorpio started to complain about how this was unfair and how he didnt deserve this.

"Why me!?! I dont deserve this, I've been a good boy havent I?!? I cleaned the dishes, took out the trash, made lunch for everybody, and even babysat for a week" He cried out.

Saggitarius sat on a tree branch enjoying his virtual time alone humming some sweet lullaby's. He eventually fell asleep on the branch untill the sun rose. Capricorn built a boat in a short amount of time and tried to (unsuccessfully) make a compass.

"There is no water, what am I going to do, I'll starve, or dehydrate" Aquarius complained

As you see Aquarius was just complaining about the lack of food. Pisces was running around freaking out about the general subject of being stranded. After a long day of (intense) gaming everybody powered down their electronincs and got ready for bed, most of them at least.
Hello my english muffins sorry for the long wait but its here the chapter is finally here. I hope you guys enjoyed, the answer to the previous was Angelina Jolie here's a little riddle whats at the end of the rainbow. Find out the answer in the next chapter!! Random out~

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