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Ok so this isnt a chapter for this story but a clip of my newest story Stop! Drop! And Eat Cupcakes! Its not out yet but it will be soon! You can skip this, since nothing important is on here. I cant think of anything for the next chapter because of the cursed thing called the block of writers aka writers block. Since there will be a considerably long wait you can read something else as the time flies by. Hope you enjoy it! May the story BEGIN!!!

I run out the doors of the Freedom Bells acadamy.
"FREEDOM" I yell, kinda ironic if you ask me, I walk down the road when I stop to think out loud. "Should I go through the allyway?" The logical part of me was screaming at me saying, this is how most horror movies start! Dont do it or you'll be one of those dead people. But if we get home faster we can go eat the magical slice of hevan called pizza. True, pizza wins over all logic, onwards to the ally, oh wait, lets check for bad guys.

"HELLO ANYONE IN HERE" well now the whole world know I'm here. Lets not go in there, there might be robber in there or worse, COCKROACHES, ew. Time to walk a long way, oh lets eat the galactic swirl now. I nod at my genius, then pull my galactic swirl cupcake out. Just as I'm about to pull it out of it's fabulous container. A muggle puts his hands on me and presses his mini sword across my throat.

I start laughing at the thought of him being a muggle and I'm a wizard, him holding a tiny tooth pick of a sword. "Give me all your money" he growls
I laugh at the fact that he thinks I HAVE money. I then hand him a dime.

"I said all of your money not this shit" he hisses
"First off language second if I had money I would give it to you but sadly I'm broke as heck, if I did have money then I would buy alot of candy, or a fox may-"
"Shut up" he said cutting me off
"Rude" I whisper suddenly there was a gunshot the dagger that was previously at my throat fell to the floor. Without thinking I shout out, lets be honest I never think.

"HAI DUDE ARE YOU OKAY" I then wave my hand in front oh his face like a maniac, I then turned to the person who saved me from the man with a stanky breath of a dragon. There was a man that looks familiar, my head aches started acting up then I black out. Not again, I think this has got to be the 5th time this week and they were strangers!
Hope you liked the little clip! The whole story is already posted and stuff like that. Oh and dont forget stay cool as a cube.
Random out~

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