Lets live as our ancestor did! In the wilderness!

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After the pool party the signs decided to make the next few days camping themed. They packed their bags and drove to Wolfbane lake and looked around for the camp sites. Capricorn decided to lead since he came prepared for every situation. He had a back up plan for his back up plan and a back up plan for that back up plan. Even though he came prepared he ended up getting everyone lost.

~Time skip to Narnia!!~
When they got there Aries immediatly looked for a place to charge her phone since it died. When her search was unsucessful she jumped into the sparkling blue lake. Scorpio joined her, but instead of jumping in, clothes and all, he did the opposite and skinny dipped. Taurus kept pranking everyone by yelling bear or climbing trees and jumping them.

Cancer was a human mosquito magnet, she used way too much bug spray. When she ran out, she ran around the camp trying to out run all the bugs. Leo was still unpacking his stuff and setting up his tent. Instead of bringing a sleeping bag he brought an air mattress. Behind him Virgo was watching the squirrels intensely, when Saggitarius asked her what she was doing. She replied with 'communicating with the squirrles' which confused him.

Capricorn was a victim to one of Taurus's pranks for compensation for getting them lost. The prank used glue water, balloons and peanut butter Taurus put glue in a water balloon. Then he smeared peanut butter on the inside of Capricorns spare shirt. The plan was to throw a glue balloon at Capricorn getting him dirty.

Then when he went to change clothes he would wear the closest thing to him, the peanut butter shirt. When he put it on and left the tent, the squirrles will attack him. Before Scorpio went skinny dipping he hid eveyones clothes, thus, forcing Capricorn to wear the squirrles magnet until Scorpio decided to tell where their clothes went. The plan went smoothly up until the part where Capricorn had nothing to wear. Since he was prepared he had hidden clothes in his man purse, ruining the part where Capricorn suffers through squirrles.

Libra was shivering to the point you could use her as an egg beater. This caused her sister, Aquarius, to give her the jacket she was currently wearing. Libra smirked as her plan to get someone to give her their jacket worked. Later on Aquarius and Sagittarius walked along the trail. Aquarius was too busy collecting leaves and flowers and using them to make flower crowns to notice Sagittarius wandered off path and away from camp.

Sagittarius was walking with Aquarius until he wasnt, he looked around for her. Instead he found a bear cave, he poked his head in to find a snoozing grizzly. He carefully backed up, and clichély stepped on a stick waking the bear. The bear roared a mighty roar and chased him, poor Sagittarius was running for his life.

~With the other signs~
"Hey guys" Aquarius chirped with 12 flower crowns looped on her arm.
Everyone greeted her until Capricorn and Virgo noticed Sagittarius was missing
"Where did Sagittarius go" Virgo asked
"I dunno, wasnt he with you guys" Aquarius shrugged
"No, he was with you" Capricorn replied smoothly
"He'll turn up" Scorpio groaned tiredly

~Time skip! Off to the bat cave~
"He still hasn't appeared after what! An hour" Pisces exclaimed
"Ok lets split up and search for him" Leo said trying to take charge. Just as he said that the bush behing him rustled, everyone stared for a moment. Until the bush rustled again, then Sagittarius popped out of the bush. He had leaves and twigs in his hair, dirt was all over his face and his clothes were torn and one of his shoes were missing!

Everyone gathered around Sagittarius making sure he was okay and drowned him in questions. When the whole Sagittarius ordeal had been situated everyone gathered around the camp fire. Taurus wouldnt share his bag of jumbo marshmallows. Capricorn was prepared for this situation and pulled out three bags of jumbo marshmallows.

Everyone was telling scary stories, Gemini was getting cocky thinking his story was the best. That was until he pissed off Capricorn and had an earful of the worst story ever heard in his life. It was about math, science, history, English, and other school subjects, everyone agree that was the scariest story that was told.

The signs stayed up to watch the sun set and went to sleep, except Pisces. She stayed up to watch the night sprinkles and the brightly shining pearl (incase you didnt get it I was talking about the moon and stars). Pisces would have stayed up the whole night if it wasn't for Cancer calling her back into her tent. Pisces didn't pack her tent and had to sleep with Cancer, the two cuddled and had plesant dream.
Hello my cuppy cakes! Sorry this chapter took so long to post, I was looking for the right material. Then I went indoor camping and bam! Insperation! Fyi the indoor camping was when I set toilet paper on fire, put it on a plate, and roasted marshmallows over it! It was one of the most fun day I've had. Anyways saty Fantabulous my cupcakes!
Random out!

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