Unromantic Restaurant and cliché Romance scenes

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Scorpio was wearing one of his favorite suits getting snazzied up (more so than Leo) for his non date date with Pisces. He wanted to go to the restaurant alone with her to ask her to be his official one and only (he only asked the other signs to make her jealous, it failed horribly), but fate had other plans. Pisces invited everyone to their date because she didnt get the hint that he wanted to ask her out.

Here he was sitting in a restaurant with an extremely cute looking Pisces, and a bunch of wild zodiac.

"Hey Scorpio! Your looking more fancy than Leo!" Pisces exclaimed
Leo over heard and spoke up
"WHAT! WHO DARES OUT SHINE THE FABULOUS ME!" he roared (meow XD) he ran to the bathroom to fix his apearance to out shine everyone once more. Aries was just laughing her head off with Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Libra.

Capricorn was drinking far too much wine and was showing an embarasing side he swore not to show anyone after the fourth of July incident. Gemini and Aries still had blackmail pictures of him drooling all over Cancer. Which he was doing at that very moment. Poor Cancer got drool all over her shirt, luckily Virgo had an extra shirt just for the occasion.

Taurus was ordering every item on the menu he was planning on spending half of his savings with Libra. For the first time in forever Taurus shared his food with someone.

When the spaghetti came for Taurus, Gemini said the meatballs were so huge it could be used as cannon balls. Thats what Aquarius did she grabbed a meat ball and teamed up with Gemini to hit everyone in the table.

Gemini hit Leo right in the back of his head, Leo was furious.

"MY HAIR!!" Leo screeched, he let out a war cry and threw a bread stick like a javelin. Aries decided to team up with him and used the salad bowl as a shield. Cancer was hiding under the table with Pisces, who was hiding the food like there was going to be an apocalypse.

"So Pisces, wanna camp out here or run," Cancer asked

"Lets make a break for it I dont know how long the fort will hold" Pisces said worriedly
Cancer poked her head out from under the table and saw a clearing, she grabbed Pisces hand and ran, but then chocolate pudding hit her back. She turned around and saw Pisces holding a bowl of chocoalte pudding. She dramatically fell to the floor and whispered
"Why Pisces I thought we were friends"

Pisces looked at her hands and collapsed next to Cancer, she started sobbing
"I'm sorry Cancer, I had to Gemini payed me 20 dollars to betray you," she sobbed

With the last of her strenght Cancer gave her final words
"I forgive you, but thats really cheap"

Pisces swore to avenge Cancer even though she was the one to kill Cancer and ignored the cheap statement. She grabbed the meat balls off the floor and a metal platter, she snuck around like a ninja and threw meatballs. She used the platter as a sheild when food flew her way, when the war was over Pisces stood victorious (P!tad anyone).

The restaurant was in shambles, everyone evacuaded and the waitors were looking pissed. Capricorn laid in a puddle of alcohol and salad, Scorpio was no where in sight, Aquarius and Gemini were holding hands while covered in various foods. Libra was trying to wake Taurus up after he fainted when everyone wasted food, Virgo was wiping food off of Sagittarius looking clean as a whistle.

Leo and Aries were having a make out competition while covered in food. Cancer was left on the floor with a giant pudding blob on her back actually looking dead and Pisces was standing on a dining table with a warrior pose.

They were soon kicked out of the restaurant and went home to change. Pisces called Cancer to apologize for betraying her and offered to buy her icecream. Cancer accepted and had to bring Capricorn since he was not resposible while drunk.

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