Fighting The good Fight, not so much for the bad guy!

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"Hey guys lets have a slumber party" Aquarius suggests eagerly
"Are you sure Aqua? Do your parent even approve?" Aries askes
"Yeah! Tomorrow is the first day of summer! And my parents are gonna be out or something!" Aquarius cheers

"I'm down, lets tell the others, see if they can come" Libra states, the three walk in the direction of the court until they spot a wild Cancer running back and forth frantically.
"I have to help, no I've got to run away, but they are going to get hurt, but I'm going to get hurt! Argh why is life testing my ability to think!" Cancer shouts to the sky
"Hey Cancer whats going on?" Libra aquestions.
"Some kid came and picked a fight with Leo!" Cancer replied breathless

"Hey Leo, you got me put in after school dention" the school wannabe jock shouts
"What how?! Is that even possible? I didnt use my blackmail today" Leo exclaims, mumbling the last part to theirself
"You dropped the answer key to the science test and when I picked it up the teachers thought I was cheating!" he growled

"I thought you stole that key from me when I was going to deliver it to the science room, and got caught with it?" Leo furrowed their brows

The student growled letting their fist fly towards Leo's face.
"You've done it now you fuck nugget" Leo hissed, cupping their cheek.

The students lackeys came to defend the 'accused' student. Aries, unable to refuse a fight, jumped in. A circle of students started forming around them recording the fight. Taurus spotted from the fight from the corner of their eye and walked away ignoring them.
They walked away dragging along a compliant Virgo and Capricorn who both also chose to ignore the fight.

Scorpio and Sagittarius were watching the fight in amusement along with the other students making bets on who would win. Gemini smirked and joined in on the bets knowing who would win anyways.

End of flashback~
"Hey I know those two" Aquarius shout
"Of course you do they're our friends, Leo and Aries" Libra dead panned
"Imma help them out!" Aquarius jumped into the fight knocking people in the face left to right.
"Dont worry Pisces I'm going to call the cops" Libra said

All of a sudden a student tackled Libra. "Haha the coppers wont bust our entertainment! Get the rope!" the student yelled. A female student timidly brought rope. The two binded Libras arms together and pushed her into the ring. The team against Leo used her as bait. Then the most timid person who you'd least expected to fight went in the ring.

"Enough already!" Cancer shouted.
"I'm stressed out as it is, you can fight my friends all you want, but taking a bound person is out of line" Cancer yelled "you have till the count of three to get out of here or else something bad will happen" Cancer hissed the Zodiac squad knew that was the code.

"Oh yeah what are you going to do about it?" one taunted. Cancer ignored them and counted "three,"
Libra stepped into the ring
"Ha like your going to do anything" another tauned
Taurus, Scorpio, and Gemini stepped into the ring.
"Oh I'm so scared"

"One" Cancer whispered, the rest of the zodiac stepped forward, even timid Pisces, no one messes with their friends. They were very intimidating, standing in an offensive stance craking their knuckles and smirking, some glaring.

The zodiac stood in a line sans Libra, looking very intimidating, the jerks decided to retreat before things got even uglier. Then ran like there was no tomorrow.

Cancer walked up to Libra and untied their friend "are you ok Libra?" they asked.

"Yeah," Libra looked dazed for a moment then spoke "You. Guys. Were. Awesome!"
The team laughed and conversed, laughing about the events that unfolded "You guys are totaly going to the slumber party right?" Libra asked "yeah, my parents are on a trip in California" Cancer replied getting similar answers
"So did we win the fight?" Pisces asked this got the whole group talking at once.

"I'm just glad it disbanded quickly, I was afraid I would need my tazer" Cancer sighed
"You have a tazer!?" the group asked
"Yeah my dad was scared I would get hurt on the streets, so he would put it in my backpack before I leave to school everyday." Cancer replied nervously.
The group walked down the road laughing like old friends and talking about aliens and politics.
Finished! Finally done. I hope you guys liked this chapter up next is the actual sleepover. Peace out Minions~ Random out!

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