Interactions with other human being, that some wish wont happen to them

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The signs got back to their houses and put everything away, they decided to hang out at Gemini's house since they havn't been there that often. They all had small talk with one another until they came across the weird topic of smells.

"Aries you smell like pine and ginger" Aquarius stated
"Really, well you smell like parsley and lavendar, hey at that pond didn't you find lavendar flowers?" Aries questioned
"No that was Gemini" Aquarius corrected

"Hey what do I smell like" Leo asked eagerly
"Rosemary and cinnamon" Taurus answered
"You smell like, rose and honey" Leo stated
"Thats because I spilled honey on myself and fell in a rose bush" Taurus stated
"Actually, Sagittarius tripped you and you fell in" Virgo stated
"Virgo I told you not to tell anyone" Sagittarius exclaimed

"What" Taurus shouted
"Dont hurt me!" Sagittarius wimpered
"I wont hurt you but Capricorn will, I was borrowing one of his shirts that day, now its ruined" Taurus spoke heatedly
On cue Capricorn stood up and raised a fist to punch Sagi until Cancer stopped him.
"Hold up Capi, I fixed that shirt after it got messed up, so please dont fight" she squeaked worriedly Sagittarius let out a breath of air knowing he wont die today.

Capricorn sighed and sat next to Cancer and leaned on her shoulder, tiredly mumbling a thanks. He then spoke up leaving Cancer a blushing mess.
"You smell like jasmine and lemon" he sighed
"Oh um ah thanks, you smell like lilac and musk" Cancer mumbled
Leo was jealous that Aries didnt do that with him, he sat there daydreaming about scenarios of them as couples. Gemini walked up to Sagittarius and sniffed him.
"Dude you smell like nutmeg and clove" Gemini exclaimed
"Thanks! You smell like lavendar and lemongrass" Sagittarius said sniffing Gemini. The two started sniffing the signs like weirdos, Scorpio took this as an excuse to start flirting. He sniffed Virgo seductively, and whispered in her ear.

"You smell like dill and narcissus" (is that even a sent °~°)
"You smell like the coffee beans and black pepper I lost weeks ago" Virgo said shooting him down immediately.
"Aww your no fun, you could at least be a little flustered" Scorpio whined.
"Nope, try flirting with Pisces" Virgo said popping the 'p'.

Scorpio walked to Pisces and did the same thing he did to Virgo.
"You smell like sandalwood and apples" he whispered seductively. "Thanks!" Pisces chirpped innocently, Scorpio pouted at his fail. Libra then walked up to Scorpio and pushed him away from Pieces.
"Dont corrupt my precious baby" Libra hissed
"Dont be such a party pooper, I was just having fun" Scorpio said with a sly grin.
"Pisces smelled so sweet almost like you, vanilla and chamomile" he said slowly
"Yeah, no, you're not going anywhere near us you heathen" Libra said while holding a confused Pisces. Then Pisces suddenly shouted out, startling the signs half to death.
"WITTY, thats what you are in one word Scorpio" Pisces chirped happily.

"Oh and what am I" Libra asked curiously
"Fun" Pisces answered
"I think one word to describe you is kind" Libra answered back
Aries joined in and directed it to Leo

"Your fierce" Aries said confidently
"Your strong" Leo replied
Capricorn mumbled, still leaning on Cancer,
Cancer smiled and relplied

"Aqua your spacey" Libra said to her sister, Aquarius was spacing out thinking of a word for Virgo. Her head shot up and she shouted Eureka.

"Virgo you are independant" Aquarius said with confidence.
"I give one to you you give one to me" Sagittarius said with a smirk
"Fine with me" Gemini replied grinning
"Your talkative" Sagittarius stated
"Your crazy" Gemini said
"I know and Im proud of it" Sagi said with sass
"Taurus your stubborn" Aries said
"And your a griffin"
"Your a centaur"
Pieces claimed her mythical creature before anyone could get to it.
"Hey Cancer you'd be a unicorn" Libra said happily
"And your a pegasus" Cancer said light heartedly

"Hey Gemini you would be a zombie"
"You would be a Vampire"
"Great we both bite" Sagittarius said high-fiving Gemini

"I would be a dragon" Aquarius said proudly
"Yeah and I would be an ogre" Virgo said sarcastically

"Hey Aries what would I be" Leo asked eager to hear what Aries would Pick for him
"Werewolf" Aries said simply
Leo pretended to pounce on Aries and howled.

"Capricorn you would be a demon" Scorpio said as a chill went up his spine
"No you would be a demon, I would be an elf since they are inteligent creatures" the two fought over who was the demon until they took a vote. Capricorn was an elf and Scorpio was a demon, he then smirks as he had an idea. The day ended with the signs talking and Scorpio pretending he was a demon, everyone agreed he was more of a mini devil.
Hello rockyroads, there is four to fourteen chapters left till the book ends. Enjoy it while it lasts! If you dont want it to end you could message me, or comment me on a request chapter. The chapter will be dedicated to you and you get to read something you wanted. Win win situation! Hope you guys like this chapter! Heres a cout down riddle!
Im hungry all the time, and will die if I dont breath, I will drown under water. Give me food to satisfy my hunger yet I'm never satisfied. I'm hungry till I drown or stop breathing.
What am I?
Comment what the answer is, the answer will be in the next chapter. Later taters!
Random out~

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