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Freddy's POV:

Stupid Asher thinking I'd let him go after hitting on my girl. I'm gonna kill him. Ya know, if Summer takes a long time getting me off of him. Just he wait. I'm going to do it right before he goes home.

"Hey, Sum?" I ask. She turns her head towards me. "How long does he take before going home?" "He stays for about an hour, why?" "No reason." I shake off and put my arm around Summer.

Summer's POV:

I wonder why Freddy wants to know that. He won't do anything stupid, I hope. I mean, maybe he wants to apologise for... tackling... Asher. Well, I trust him. Is that a bad thing?

We are at the skate park now. I do feel a little bad for Asher. Not only did I break his heart, but I also ditched him.

Tamika's POV:

I can tell Summer's thinking about something by the look on her face. That's when I look at everyone. We're spaced out. Esme is at the entrance of the skate park on her phone texting someone, Zack was already inside the skate park with his skateboard in his hand, Lawrence is sitting on one of the rails waiting for Zack to start skating, Freddy and Summer are a good foot in beside me, and I'm just walking, watching it all happen.

This is horrible.

Esme's POV:

I do not wanna be here. Right now I'm texting Kale and Clark.

E: you have no idea how much I hate being here with these freaks

K: I feel bad for you, Es

C: yeah, they are so stupid

K: why are you with them anyways?

E: mom's making me hang out with them

E: I don't care though, Im going to ditch them anyways

E: meet me at the cafe downtown in an hour

C: okay, see ya there

K: bye

Tamika, Freddy, and Summer are finally inside the skate park. Perfect. I run away from the park as soon as I can. But I can't help but think...


Tamika's POV:

It's been almost an hour since we've been at the skate park, and nobody has said a word to each other. Same has somehow disappeared which is weird, I hope she didn't ditch us.

Just then Freddy stops skating as he looks at his watch. "Gotta go, l'll be right back." He tells Summer.

Summer's POV:

I watch Freddy as he leaves the skate park and towards the actual park. Huh. After he's out of my sight O walk out after him and see him walking towards Asher. Oh no. Ooh! That hurt. Ouch! Maybe I should stop him. "No, Freddy! Stop!" I pull Freddy off of him and push him back. "Zack! Lawrence! Help!" Suddenly Zack and Lawrence grab Freddy while Tamika and I help Asher.

"Leave my girl alone!" Freddy yells. Aww, he called me his girl. Wait, Summer, focus. He just broke a guy's nose, and maybe an arm. "Asher are you okay?" "No!" He yells. "Oh, sorry! Why didn't you fight back?" "I don't do violence, now would you mind helping me up?" "Okay, okay." We help him up when we see Esme running towards us with... a wet rag.

"Hey, I saw you guys surrounded by Asher and he was holding his nose so I figured it might be bleeding so I ran inside his house and got a wet rag." She explained, handing us the rag.

I held the rag up to Asher's nose and said," Thanks, Esme." We walk him back home and he sits on the couch. "Tamika, Lawrence, Zack, Freddy! Nice to see you. I haven't seen you in so long. What happened to Asher?" His mother questioned. "Fr-" Asher started. I interrupted him.

"He ran into something and busted his nose. Don't know what happened to his arm though."

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