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Tamika's POV:

I'm begging my Mom to let me go back to Texas. My Aunt's there, and Freddy's an only child so I'm sure she won't mind her niece staying with her. She loves me anyways. "Please, Mom!" I follow her around the kitchen.

"Aunt Melanie says it's fine and plus it'll be nice for Freddy to have another teenager in the house so he won't be alone, plus I'm a very responsible person! Okay, that last part is a lie, but still! Please!!!!" "Alrigh, fine. You can go back. Only because if I keep saying no I know you'll just keep begging until I say yes."

"Yes!" I hug her," and I promise I'll come straight back for good if I wanna come back!" I say and run upstairs. All I need to pack are my clothes, I was too lazy to unpack the rest of my things.

Today was Easter and really going back to Texas was all I wanted as a gift. Tomorrow is back to Texas. I told the gang right away. "Guys, I'm coming back to Texas with you guys!" We all suddenly cheered. Everyone ran towards me for a group hug. We were too loud.

"Shut up! I'm trying to take a nap!" Vanessa said. I laughed," I'm not going to miss that." I joked. I was going back home. I hadn't been away for long, but it felt like years I hadn't been in Texas.
I zipped my suitcase up. I was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt with flip flops and my hair was in a messy ponytail. It's never wrong to be comfortable when going on a plane, right?
We finally arrived back home and I'm in one of the empty bedrooms unpacking my stuff. Freddy's helping. I decide to tell him about what Zack said that night.

"Well, I was sleepy, and so Zack told me to lay down. So I did," I explain. "And then he said he loved me, but i guess he thought I was sleep, but I laid down, closed my eyes, and after he said that i stayed awake until 4 I'm the morning before I actually went to sleep."

"I'll speak to him. I don't want to girl talk with my cousin." He responded, which caused me to laugh. He hung up the last set of clothes and then we were done.

"Thanks, now get out!" U ordered. He laughed and casually walked out as I grabbed my phone and texted Summer.

Author's POV:

Tamiks: hey Sum, I need some advice

Sum: sure, what's up?

Tamiks: Zack said he loved me, but he doesn't know I heard him

Sum: oh, wow... do you love him?

Tamiks: yes

Tamiks: no

Tamiks: I don't know, I guess

Sum: tamiks I can't help you if I don't get a for sure answer

Sum: do you love Zack?

Tamiks: ...

Tamiks: yes, so what do I do?

Sum: I say, you go find Zack

Sum: and you tell him you love him too

Tamiks: so, I love someone?

Sum: yea

Tamiks: and, he loves me?

Sum: he'd be crazy if he didn't

Tamiks: thanks Sum, I gotta go

Zack's POV:

Future: hey Zack? I need to talk to you

Me: sure, where at?

Future: bench between yours and Summer's house?

Me: okay, see you there

Tamika's POV:

I sit on the bench and wait for Zack. Hey Zack, I wanted to tell you that I love you too. No. Hey Zack, I secretly heard you say you love me while I was supposedly sleep and I totally love you too so let's go tell everyone to arrange the wedding! No. "Hey, Tamika."

"Oh, hey Zack." Zack sits beside me and says," So what'd you need to talk about?" "Firstly, I want to thank you for making me feel better." I say. "Oh you're welcome. Anything for a friend." He stumbles on the word 'friend'. "And secondly, before I actually fell asleep, I heard you say you love me." I try to say as casual as I can.

"Oh, that's what this is about. It's okay, that you don't love me anymore, really." Zack says, and starts to get up and walk away. Before he can get far I grab his arm. "Hey, Zack?" I say. He looks. "I love you too." I smile. A smile appears on his face before I get pulled into a kiss.

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