Chapter 8: Halloweekends

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Oct 26, 2013

Today we are all going to Halloweekends. We all met up at my house so we can all ride in the truck destiny rented for 3 days.

"goodmorning" Carter said as he greeted me with a kiss.

"morning babe." i said back in return.

"who we waiting on?" Destiny said to me, carter, and Mary.

"nick." Mary said just as he pulled up.

"alright thats everybody, lets go." destiny said.

We all started walking to Destiny car.

"Yall got some money?" Destiny had asked all of us.

"yea why? " i said in return.

"cause we gone stop at McDonald's to get something to eat."

"oh alr. " everyone said in unison.

Destiny drove to McDonalds and then we hit the road. Everyone was still a little sleepy because it was early in the morning. I layed on Carter, and Mary layed on Nick. James Just stayed up with Destiny.

Destiny woke everyone up when we were pulling up in the parking lot.

"alright yall come on." destiny had said to all of us.

"omg its cold." Mary saID.

"i know right but we still gotta stand in these long ass lines tho." Nick said.

"no the fuck we don't, i bought our tickets and ya'll gone pay me back." Destiny said in return.

We walked up to the ticket booth so we could be approved to get a stamp so we can walk around the park. When we first walked in we all went to try and find a ride to get on.

"i'm scared." i said which caused all of them to smack there lips.

"bae, why you scared?" Carter said to me.

"umm i never rode one before and im really not planning to." i said in return.

"well you gone ride today." he said grabbing my hand making me feel safe.


we went to stand in line for the iron dragon because they said it would be a good ride for a beginner. The line was long but it was on like 3 rides open due to strong winds.

"im so nervous." i said to them.

"girl its gone be fun." Destiny said rubbing on my shoulders making me more nervous.

"yea ok" i said to her.

We got to the front and it was our turn to ride.

"Are you ready?" the ride operator asked everyone.

"yea" everyone on the whole ride said in unison.

The ride had begun.

Afetr the ride was over, I was kind of shook up.

"so bae did you like it?" Carter asked me.

"it was straight" i said back in return.

Afterwards we went to ride the mean streak. This roller coaster had me scared as fuck.

Time Passes

It was now 5 o'clock and many more rides started to open up. So then we went to stand in line for the Max-Air. This ride was so crazy!!

"next!" the man had yelled and we all went to take a seat next to each other in this big circle.

"yall ready?" i asked trying to sound all brave.

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