Kristin: Another Funeral

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(Previously: Kristin has a nightmare where she turns into a werewolf and murders her friends. Upon her awakening Kristin checks her wounds which have completely healed. Kristin is a werewolf although goes into denial. Kristin bumps into Derek at the school, and they get busted by Michelle mid make-out session.)

Michelle had just dragged me to the empty staff room to hear all the "juicy gossip" and I have no idea what to say. I had started the talk with Derek and then the next second we were sucking on each other's faces.
"Does this mean you and Derek are together?" Michelle asks excitedly and closes the door behind her as I take a seat on one of the black leather couches.
The staff room is rather spacious and can easily fit thirty people. The four long couches sit in the middle of the room and almost make a square. The small white square tables sit along the opposite walls and the back bench houses the coffee machine and microwave and shares the back wall with the big white fridge.
"It's complicated," I reply and hold in the sigh of frustration before Michelle joins me on the couch.
"Still?" Michelle sounds surprised as she moves some of her brown hair out of her flawless creamy face.
"Nothing's changed," I reply regretfully. Well apart from the whole Derek being the new Alpha and my werewolf status. I'm constantly on edge waiting for someone to figure it out. Derek should've known. I must be messing with his senses through the bond somehow. I know my mother will figure it out sooner rather than later. I'm not sure how she didn't with Belle at first, and how she didn't with me yesterday morning. Maybe her judgement is clouded. I'm keeping my distance for now just in case. I know if I get close to Scott and Belle they will "sniff" it out and know what I am.
All I can think about is how and why?
I should be dead.
"So you're friends with benefits?" Michelle can't stop the smirk from surfacing.
"No!" I exclaim a little too loudly.
It wouldn't have happened if I was human. I would've had the strength to stop myself. I'm starting to hate the bond. I feel the distance cutting through my chest when we're apart.
"You haven't talked with Derek have you?"
"I tried," I shrug and Michelle laughs clearly amused by my situation although I can't blame her. It was so much easier all those years ago, well until everything went to hell. I still can't believe Kate killed Derek's family.
I should've known.
The last time Derek and I had the talk was before Peter came barging back into my life. Derek asked me to be patient with him. He said he needed time and I agreed but after the Peter incident. Of course just for fun and punishment I'm thrown a huge curve ball, and turned into a werewolf. Now I can feel the bond between Derek and I, and I don't know if I can ever let go.
Fuck my life.
Part of me is still holding out hope and praying that none of this is real, and in reality I'm in hospital in a coma barely holding onto life after my heart attack.
"Girl you got it bad," Michelle's smirk is back.
"I do not," I object and Michelle rolls her blue eyes which match mine and smiles, and I know the free therapy session is about to start.
I knew I shouldn't have followed after Derek, but I literally couldn't control myself. It was like an invisible rope has been tied around us and tightens the closer we are. I tried to resist and walk out of that closet but I couldn't. I had no idea the bond felt this way, that Derek has been feeling this way. Just the thought of never seeing Derek again is too much to bear. When I was just with Derek I felt . . . Like everything was right in the world and I can't believe I just said that.
Ick. . . I somehow manage to hold in the shudder.
"Do you still love him?" Michelle asks although I can tell by the glint in her eye that Michelle already knows the answer.
"It was six years ago. Things are completely different now."
Derek's different now.
I'm different now.
"But your feelings haven't changed," Michelle states confidently and I want to object but I know it's a waste of time.
Michelle knows me too well. I haven't told Cassie and Dee that Derek is back in town yet. They'll ask me questions I can't answer, at least not yet.
"Don't you have class in like five minutes?" I ask hopeful trying to change the subject, of course I know it's not going to work.
"Twenty five minutes actually," Michelle smirks.
"It's only been five minutes?"
"Yep," Michelle nods, "So what are you going to say to Derek next time you see him?" Michelle asks.
I want to tell Derek it's not fair, and that I don't want to wait around for him to let me in which could take a long time and that I want to walk away and figure out my life somewhere else, but I don't know if I can because of the stupid bond that is ruining my life. Of course I can't say that because then he will know what I am, and I'm not ready for anyone to know just yet. I don't know how I'm influencing the bond and hiding the truth from him, I hope it lasts.
"I'm not sure yet."
"You know there's nothing wrong with being afraid."
"I'm not afraid. I just don't know what my next step is."
"What's keeping you here?"
Even though Peter is gone I get the feeling everything is going to get much worse before it gets better. As much as I want to leave and figure out my life. I can't leave my loved ones behind.
It's not safe.
"I can't just leave."
"Why not? You're getting more miserable every day. A desk job isn't you Kristin. You need excitement and action. You should totally be a superhero!" Michelle chuckles at her suggestion.
"Superhero . . . You do realise they aren't real right?" I tease.
Michelle laughs, "Seriously though you would make a great cop. Why did you give up on it after going through the training?"
"I don't know," I shrug. I failed at hunting. I couldn't put down the monsters without thinking about Derek, Grams and my mother and I was worried that I might mess up if I became a cop and it could cost someone their life.
"And you haven't thought about it lately?"
"Not really," I reply. I've been busy dealing with the werewolf and Derek drama unable to focus on my future.
"Well I think you would do great, and if Derek is smart he will step up. If not there are plenty more guys out there that would kill for the chance to be with you."
I try not to visibly cringe at the word kill as I see Derek's claws swipe down across Peter's throat. I still can't believe that Peter killed Laura. It just goes to show that anyone and everyone are capable of anything and everything.
"Or I could try out the whole convent thing and swear of guys completely," I suggest although I know I wouldn't last long before the boredom kicked in.
Michelle laughs, "You wouldn't even last a week. I can't see you praying daily."
"I'd pray for Channing Tatum to come rescue me," I sigh dramatically and Michelle nods in agreement.
"I pray for that every day." Michelle smirks.
"I bet Cory would totally love that."
"We'll pick him up on the way out," Michelle replies and I can't help but chuckle slightly, glad for the distraction.
Kate's funeral is in a few hours and I know it will look suspicious if I don't attend. Alex barely said more than a few words during brunch the other day and I've got the feeling it's going to be the same at the funeral. Gerard aka Kate and Chris's father is going to be there and he is known for his ruthlessness. If Gerard finds out what I am than he will put me out of my misery, but first he will tell me how disappointed he is that I haven't been an honourable soldier. Infected hunters are meant to end their lives before their first turn of course not all hunters agree. Some would rather their loved ones be werewolves than be dead, not that they'd ever admit that to Gerard.
I've thought about it but that's not me plus I wasn't raised by the strict hunter ethics and the code. Sure my father is a hunter but he's not like Gerard, and I'm happy about that. Plus the whole werewolf gene thing runs in my family. I just assumed I had been lucky like Alex, and it had skipped me.
I was wrong and I think my death must have triggered it somehow. That's the only explanation that I can think of.
"What's wrong?" Michelle asks and snaps me out of my little world where I was completely lost in thought.
"I'm just thinking about the funeral. I still haven't decided on what I'm going to wear," I shrug and try to act unphased.
There's going to be camera's snapping every single moment. The only good thing to come of it is my father and brother who will be attending the funeral. It's been good having them back for the past couple of days. I miss working with them. I was a hunter but now I'm not one of them.
"I'd go with that knee length black dress of yours."
"Thanks, that'll save me some time." I force a smile.
"I'm sorry about Kate," Michelle grabs hold of my hand.
"I know," I force a smile.
The worst part is the conflicting feelings. I don't want to mourn Kate let alone miss her but I do and I hate myself for it. Just like I hate myself for the sorrow I feel when I think about how Peter used to be before the fire.
It doesn't take me long to go home, find the black dress in my closet, get dressed and touch up my mascara. In fact it seemed to blur by far too quickly and now I'm stuck sitting in my car, parked on the curb near the entrance of the cemetery.
The line of parked cars is insane, and I know they are all reporters and photographers. I'm almost tempted to keep driving and run the herd down, but I'm not psychotic and I also don't think I would like prison very much.   
"Hey Gerard; long time no see and by the way I'm totally not a werewolf!" I speak to myself in the mirror after I slightly adjust the angle and check my mascara and lip gloss. It's not just the Argents and my father and brother who are attending the funeral, Vince is going to be there as well. We haven't talked since I skipped out early during my Gram's wake and bought weapons off him.
The last time we attended a funeral together, it was his father's. Adam had been killed during a hunt by an Alpha who had murdered two families. Vince had ignored orders and confronted the Alpha. Adam used himself as a shield and sacrificed himself to save Vince. The rest of us arrived just in time to see the claws swipe down Adam's chest. I'd never seen so much human blood before in my life.
Tap, tap . . . Tap. The rapping on my window snaps me out of my thoughts. Damn I'm tuning out a lot today.
Show no fear! I order myself before I fake a smile and get out of the car. Vince is standing tall with his arms crossed over his chest, and a cocky smile plastered on his face. His short brown hair is neatly styled, his five-o-clock shadow is nearly as neat as his hair and his bright green/blue eyes are practically glowing.
The annoying thing about Vince is that he's good looking and he knows it, and is completely full of himself. His muscly arms are bulging in his button up black shirt which almost looks too tight, and his black suit pants fit perfectly and match his lace up shoes.
Damn he looks good. Not that I would go there again. There's enough guy drama in my life without adding to it. Vince has ADHD when it comes to the opposite sex. In fact he would hook up with a different girl wherever the hunt took us; sometimes even a few girls if we were there for more than a week.
"Hey gorgeous," Vince smirks.
"Hey, am I late?" I ask. That's the last thing I need. Gerard doesn't appreciate tardiness, and I don't want to attract any unwanted attention.
Vince shakes his head, "No. I got here early with Alex and your dad, and thought I would wonder just for a few minutes to pass the time. Those dicks with their cameras were starting to piss me off and I guess I got lucky."
"How is Alex?" I ask. He has hardly talked to me since his return.
"Do you want the truth or a comforting lie?" Vince asks.
"I want the truth," I reply glad we are too far away from the cameras to be noticed.
Vince sighs and quickly rubs his forehead before his arms fall by his sides and I feel the worry double inside my chest, "He's taking it pretty bad."
"He didn't just have a crush on Kate did he?" I ask already knowing the answer, but for some reason I need confirmation.
Does Alex blame me for not saving Kate?
"He was in love with her, and he wants revenge," Vince replies although I don't understand.
"But Peter is dead."
"But there are still other werewolves in Beacon Hills."
"I think you mean werewolf and Derek didn't kill Kate."
"Chris said there is another beta, and I don't think Alex cares who he takes out his revenge on; he's out for blood and I don't think he is the only one."
"No . . . Alex wouldn't kill an innocent werewolf."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I'm positive. Who else is on the kill all werewolves bandwagon?" I ask knowing Gerard will be one of them. I hope my father won't take part in it. Oh god they're going to hunt down Derek and probably torture him before they cut him in half.
This can't be happening.
My head hurts.
Everywhere hurts.
Scott! They're going to kill Scott, but he is only a kid, they can't . . .
"I think Gerard is about to throw out the code book."
"I'm guessing you're here to stay and join the hunt?" I practically hiss, and Vince looks away before his head hangs in what looks like shame although I could be wrong. After Vince's father died Vince became a brutal hunting machine, and he stayed that way for months before his blood lust started to ease up.
"I don't have a choice."
"Derek is innocent."
 "I should've known you would run back to him the minute he came back to town," Vince snickers before his bright green/blue eyes meet mine again.
"I didn't run back to Derek. We're not even together. I'm taking a break from dating," I reply which isn't technically a lie. We aren't dating, just hooking up in the janitor's closet, and I hold in the eye roll at the thought.
"I don't believe you."
"That's because you haven't been in a serious relationship before. For some of us it takes time to get over our break-ups," I reply referring to Tane.
We still haven't talked since his departure. I guess it is better this way although I do wonder how he is doing from time to time, okay well maybe more than from time to time. I hope he's happy with Phoebe.
"I tried it once, but she left me behind," Vince snaps and I know that's a dig at me.
We lasted for five months before I left and quit hunting. I knew it wouldn't work out. Vince isn't the long distance type of guy. He would've given into temptation eventually and Alex would've let it slip, and then the inevitable break up would've happened anyway.
I saved us time and extra pain.
"I gave you your freedom back," I reply and Vince scoffs again.
"Did you even care about me?" Vince asks and I can't help but stare in silence for a few moments. We never got to the point where we exchanged the words "I love you," I didn't think Vince cared that much.
We always had fun together, and I did care about him but I refused to open my heart to him. I knew Vince too well, and I was afraid that it would end tragically. I wanted to believe Vince when he said I could trust him, but actions speak louder than words.
"Of course I did, but I had no idea that you . . ." I start, "I didn't know that you cared so much. You've never said anything about it, about us before."
Vince doesn't speak but just shakes his head like he can't believe what he is hearing, and I feel the guilt trying to slap me in the face. How was I meant to know? I'm not a mind reader. I didn't even think Vince cared that I had left, that I was gone.
"I didn't think I had to."
"I'm sorry. I had no idea you've been holding that in for so long," I apologise as a dark Chevy Tahoe pulls up behind my parked Ford fiesta and across from my father's matching black Chevy Tahoe. I guess hunters love big cars.
"Neither did I," Vince shrugs his shoulder trying to downplay it as the car doors open, and I see Chris, Victoria and Allison emerge from the car.
I gulp and force a smile.
Here goes nothing. Remember to show no fear, you're not a werewolf . . . You're not a werewolf. I coach myself trying to get ready for when Gerard arrives which won't be much longer.
"I'm sorry about Kate," I hug Allison first, and she clings to me for a few seconds before she lets go, steps aside and gives Vince a small smile.
Victoria approaches me next and gives me a small hug, "Thank you for coming," Victoria says before she pulls away and moves onto Vince as Chris approaches.
We don't exchange words before we hug, we don't need to, "It's good to see you on your feet," Chris pulls away and smiles.
"Thanks, it's good to be on my feet," I reply before Chris moves onto Vince and greets him with a handshake.
"How are you holding up?" I ask Allison after I loop my arm around hers, and we begin the short walk to where Kate is being buried.
The road is windy although it's not a long path. The graveyard itself is rather dull with old wispy trees scattered around the property enclosing the tombs. The graves are in clusters all belonging to different families and I only just realise I haven't been here since my Grams funeral.
I bet she is angry that I haven't bought her flowers.
"I don't know," Allison shrugs.
"It's okay to mourn her. I know Kate was like a sister to you. She felt the same way," I reply as we continue our steps on the road past the parked cars. I can hear Vince talking with Chris and Victoria behind us, but I can't make out what they are saying unless I use my super hearing, but I'm trying to avoid using those skills as much as possible.
"Why are you here? Kate shot you and she nearly killed Derek and Scott, and set the fire at Derek's house," Allison practically whispers.
Only Derek, my mother and Scott know that Kate practically kidnapped me, and only Belle, Stiles, my mother and Derek know the cause of my heart attack. Part of me does hate Kate for nearly killing Derek and Scott, and for setting the Hale house fire, but I know Kate wasn't going to kill me.
Well I'm pretty sure.
"Because she was my friend," I reply simply. I didn't know how lost she was, although I don't think I could've helped even if I had known.
Kate was broken.
The short walk becomes much shorter as we get closer to the group of reporters. They are stuck behind the couple of barricades and the police are also there making sure no one slips through including my uncle the Sherriff.
Alison and I stop walking and wait for Victoria, Chris and Vince. Chris grabs Alison and the three of them push through all the people with microphones, video cameras and flashing cameras as Vince and I walk behind them.
Maybe I should've mowed them down after all. I keep the thought to myself as I try and ignore the flashing lights, and Vince grabs my hand and pulls me along as the space between us and the reporters' starts to get to tight. I guess he isn't that pissed with me anymore.
"I knew this was a bad idea," Chris says as he puts a protective arm around Alison after we make it through the barrier and the police push the annoying reporters back behind the barricades. My father and Alex stand to their feet and move out from behind the first row of seats. The funeral directors are standing by the coffin which has flowers sitting on top. There are even wreaths behind the chairs and in front of them.
"It wasn't my idea," Victoria replies.
"I tried telling him but he insisted on making a point of it," I know Chris is talking about Gerard.
"Well if he insisted, then he can deal with this when he gets here," Victoria sounds pissed, and I don't blame her.
"Who gets here?" Alison asks in a low voice as Vince lets go of my hand.
"Hello Brian, thank you for coming," Victoria greets my father and practically ignores Allison.
"We're sorry for your loss," My father replies before he shakes Chris's hand and smiles at Alison who returns the gesture before she takes her seat and both Chris and Victoria do the same.
My father wraps me in his arms as Alex goes back to his chair behind Allison, and Vince and I follow behind my father and take our seats. There are four rows of chairs with four seats in each row, although not even half are going to be filled.
It's almost sad.
"Are you okay?" I ask Vince quietly. When I was hunting with them we went to a few funerals, and Vince always hated them, especially the ones after his father's death. I'm starting to hate them myself.
It still hurts when I think of my grams. I'm looking forward to the future when the memories will bring a smile to my face, overpowering the sorrow and pain.
Vince grabs my hand and forces a smile before he nods, and with my free hand I grip my father's hand. I know it's not easy for him either. My father has buried a lot of friends in the past but it comes with the job unfortunately.
It only feels like a few seconds have passed before I see Gerard approaching with two men in black suits following behind him, and I feel my grip unintentionally tighten before I let go of Vince's hand, and my father's and stand to my feet along with Chris, Vince, Alex and my father.
We shuffle from out of the cluster of chairs as Gerard greets Chris with a hug and moves past Allison to Victoria who stands to her feet and returns the hug.
Gerard hasn't changed since the last time I saw him. His hair line is still receded, and is almost completely snow white at the back and sides.
All I can think about as he reaches us is that if Gerard gets his way Derek amd Scott are going to be dead probably sooner rather than later, and my own brother is going to be a part of it.
No I can't think like that! I force a smile after Alex, Vince and my father greet Gerard and give him their condolences.
Now it's my turn.
"Hello Kristin. How have you been?" Gerard asks with a smile before he wraps his arms around me and I feel the chill run right down my spine. I have to hold in the sigh of relief after he lets go.
"Not bad. I'm sorry about Kate," I reply and Gerard just nods in agreement before he moves back to the front row and stops in front of Allison. Alex only spares me a glance before he moves back to his seat, and my father follows.
"Alex will be fine, he's just upset." Vince tries to reassure me, and I nod before I take my seat and Vince does the same.
I wish Derek could be here of course I know Kate's funeral is the last place he would want to be, plus I'm pretty sure Gerard would kill him on sight even in front of the many cameras and people. I hate that I need him.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it?
IMPORTANT . . . At the start of Book 2 I was going to make it that Kristin seriously started to pursue the police career and for some reason I didn't. I MADE A SLIGHT CHANGE in Book 2. Kristin did finish College and studied Law enforcement. Then she spent six months road tripping around the country before she attended the police academy. Her father asked her to join hunting and Kristin hunted for two years before she quit, and at the start of Book 2 had been back in Beacon Hills for a year.

Book 3: My Unpredictable Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now