Belle: The Bite

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When I heard Jackson screaming in the parking lot during the Winter Formal I ran out of the gym to see him holding Lydia in his arms. In that moment it was like the past two years didn’t matter. All that hurt, betrayal and anger I was harbouring towards Lydia instantly disappeared, but the guilt also grew heavier. I knew being with Jackson was wrong but all I cared about was revenge.
I guess Lydia and I aren’t so different after all.
Now I’m full of regret and also completely confused. Lydia should either be a werewolf or be dead but she is neither. I tried to visit Lydia at the hospital but she doesn’t want to see me not that I blame her. I wouldn’t want to see me either. Too bad it’s not easy to get rid of me. I’ve got a lot to make up for. I know Lydia and I are never going to be as close as we once were, but I need her to know how sorry I am.
I sigh and close my biology book and throw it on the ground before I rest back on my bed. My room hasn’t changed much, and as Kristin likes to say it still looks like a unicorn threw up everywhere. My walls are still pink but are covered with One Direction posters, my new favourite is Louis of course.
I’ve been thinking that since Derek is now an Alpha that he might be willing to add Isaac to his pack. I’ll have to do a lot of explaining but I think Isaac would accept the offer. At least then I know he will be safe and able to heal, but what if Isaac rejects the offer? What will happen then?
Would Derek have to kill him?
No . . . Isaac wouldn’t say anything and Derek wouldn’t murder an innocent person just to keep his secret.
Without wasting any time I grab my phone off the bedside table and dial Derek’s number. After the fifth ring he finally picks up, and grunts into the phone. Geez is he always grumpy? Someone needs to take a happy pill.
“I have a question . . .” I start and silence follows before Derek exhales.
“What is it?”
“Are you going to add to your pack like Peter did?” I ask before I hold my breath and pray for a yes.
“Why are you asking?” Derek’s voice seems to be slightly echoing.
Where the hell is he?
I know he isn’t in his house since half the walls and the roof is missing.
“Because I want you to offer Isaac the bite,” I reply and try to sound 100% confident that Isaac isn’t going to reject the offer.
With the bite comes speed, strength, super hearing and a healing ability. Isaac would be crazy to reject it especially considering his father is abusive. It’s going to suck explaining it to Isaac. He is going to know I lied to him all those months ago during my first turn.
Isaac saw my eyes change along with my teeth and nails and my mother told him it was just a stupid prank. I guess it was easier for his mind to justify that than the existence of werewolves.
“I’m not going to give someone the bite just because they are your boyfriend—” Derek starts and I roll my eyes.
It’s not just because of that. Isaac needs the bite.
“His father is abusive Derek so will you do it?” I ask and cross my fingers.
There is more silence . . .
“Derek?” I plead.
Derek sighs, “Fine but only because I need to add to my pack.”
“I want to be there.”
The silence is almost deafening, “Fine . . . I’ll do it tonight. Where will Isaac be?”
Isaac is stuck working late again at the cemetery because his father wants to drink too much beer and pass out on the couch as per usual.
“He’s at the cemetery.”
“Well you better leave now because I’m not waiting,” Derek replies.
Wow . . . Forget the happy pill, he needs something much stronger and a lot of it. Why is he so grumpy anyways?
Shouldn’t he be happy that he is the Alpha? Maybe it has to something to do with Kristin. Those two are seriously ridiculous. Why can’t they just get together and stay together? Why do old people make everything so complicated?
“Fine,” I reply and hang up the phone before I rush to my feet, grab my jacket and the keys to Grams old red Volkswagen before I head outside. Luckily my mother is working the night shift which means she won’t even know I’ve been out.
It doesn’t take me long to get to the cemetery although I get the feeling something is wrong, and I quickly park the car and shut off the engine before I run to where Isaac and Derek will be waiting for me.
Derek is standing beside a newly dug grave and the excavator is sitting on its side and looks damaged. At least that’s what I think it’s called. Isaac had let me take over the controls once although that was the first and last time. I may have nearly smashed a tombstone. 
“What the hell Derek?” I can’t help but hiss as I approach. The excavator is lying across the grave and the front glass is completely smashed. Oh god where the hell is Isaac? What they hell happened here?
Breathe Belle just breathe.
Isaac is okay he has to be.
“Isaac is fine,” Derek replies before he kneels on the ground and extends his hand into the newly dug grave.
I sigh in relief as I peer into the grave. Isaac is in the corner and staring at Derek in complete shock.
“Isaac is not fine!” Isaac snaps before he turns and looks up at me.
“What happened?” I ask Derek.
“An omega was just here digging up a grave,” Derek replies and keeps his arm extended waiting for Isaac to accept his help.
Come on Isaac take his hand.
“Why?” I ask.
“It was hungry,” Derek replies simply.
Hungry . . .
Why would he be digging up a dead body . . . OH MY GOD that is gross!
I can’t stop my face from contorting into disgust.  
“We do that?”
“Some of us,” Derek shrugs like it is normal.
How the hell is that normal?
Why isn't Derek freaked out and disgusted?
“What the hell are you two talking about?” Isaac practically yells, and I can hear the fear and shock in his voice.
“We can talk properly once we get you out of there Isaac,” I reply and Isaac sighs in frustration before he finally takes Derek’s hand.
Derek easily pulls Isaac out of the deep grave and to his feet. Isaac barely looks at Derek before his blue eyes focus on me. Where should I start? How much did Isaac just see? Should I let Derek talk first?
“So talk!” Isaac demands.
Derek nods at me and I know I’m the one that is going to be doing all the talking. It’s probably better this way. I just hope I’m right and not wrong about Isaac. I can’t help but worry that Isaac might completely freak out and hate me for lying to him all this time, and fear me or be disgusted by what I am.
“That night when you saw my brown eyes change to yellow and my teeth and nails change, I said it was a prank but I was lying to you. I’m a werewolf.”
Isaac looks disappointed but not shocked, “You didn’t have to lie to me Belle. I wouldn’t have told anyone your secret.”
I nod, “I know but I didn’t even know werewolves existed until that night. I didn’t know how to deal with the news myself let alone tell you what I was. I’m sorry Isaac,” I apologise and Derek gives me a warning look telling me to hurry up.
This is something I can’t just rush through. It won’t kill Derek to learn some patience.
“That thing that was digging up the grave is a . . .” Isaac starts but isn’t able to say the word, that will change once he gets used to the idea.
“Werewolf,” I finish.
“He’s gone now. I chased him off,” Derek shrugged. At least I know what happened to Isaac and his machinery. He is lucky the omega wasn’t looking for a live person. Derek might not have made it in time.
I have to hold back the frown at the thought since it won’t help the situation. I need to be strong for Isaac.
“Why would it do that? Why are you both here?” Isaac is still confused and has no idea what is happening. I need to hurry up and get to the point.
Wait shouldn’t Derek be the one offering the bite?
“Belle wants me to offer you the bite,” Derek talks. It’s like he just read my mind or maybe we just think alike.
“The bite?” Isaac’s blue eyes are still on mine.
“I was born a werewolf and so was Belle, but you can be a werewolf too and all it takes is one bite,” Derek replies and I give Isaac an encouraging smile. It’s almost kind of creepy. I haven’t seen Derek smile like that.
“This is real isn’t it? I’m not dreaming am I?” Isaac asks before he runs his hands through his medium length light brown hair.
I nod, “Yes Isaac this is really happening,” I shift my brown eyes and I know they are glowing yellow. Isaac just stares although I don’t know if it’s in fascination or admiration, both I hope.
“So if I get the bite I will be a werewolf?” Isaac finally tears his eyes away from mine and focuses on Derek.
“What will happen to me?”
“You will get enhanced strength, hearing and speed as well as the ability to heal almost instantly.”
“And I’ll turn on a full moon?”
“Yes until you learn to control it, of course heightened emotions can trigger the transition but I’ll teach you everything you need to know. You’ll be a part of my pack and that means you’ll be under my protection.”
“Protection from what?” Isaac asks.
My father and brother. I reply silently.
“Hunters. They hunt and kill our kind who have spilled human blood, but as long as you stick with me that won’t happen. You will learn to control the bloodlust.”
“So I won’t need to worry about the hunters then?”
Derek looks like he is trying to think of what to say and I get a bad feeling. What hasn’t Derek told me?
“I don’t know how they’re going to react to Kate’s death,” Derek looks at me instead of Isaac.
Of course I should have thought of that but the hunters have a code and they wouldn’t break it and kill innocent teenage werewolves . . .
Would they?
“Who’s Kate?” Isaac asks.
“She was a hunter,” Derek replies simply.
Isaac slightly nods, “And I’m guessing there is another downside other than the hunters that may want to kill me?” Isaac replies and I can’t help but admire his calm attitude of course I know he is probably freaking out on the inside. But I can’t help but get the feeling a part of Isaac has been subconsciously processing the news since the night he saw me freak out and shift.
“The bite either turns you or kills you.”
“Did he just say it could kill me?”  Isaac’s eyes are back on mine again, and I can tell he is confused.
The bite turned Scott, and I don’t know how or why but I have a strong feeling that Isaac is in no danger, maybe it’s because of his age. I’m not sure exactly but I’m positive Isaac is going to turn.
“You’re going to be fine Isaac,” I try to assure him.
“How can you be so sure?” Isaac asks and I can practically feel the betrayal he is projecting at me.
“I don’t know but my instincts are telling me that you’re going to be okay.”
“You’d bet my life on your instincts?”
“I’m 100% sure Isaac.” 
“What about you Derek, are you 100% sure that I’m not going to die?”
“Because of your age you have a higher chance of surviving the bite, and I hear you could use the extra strength and healing ability,” Derek replies and I realise they have been alone together longer than I first assumed.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad.
“It’s completely up to you Isaac,” I smile sincerely.
“Is it worth it?” He asks me.
Honestly if I thought there was a chance Isaac was going to die then I wouldn’t have asked Derek to offer him the bite but Isaac is going to survive it, “Yes,” I reply.
“And you can teach me to control it all?” Isaac turns his attention back to Derek.
“If you choose to accept the bite and survive then I will teach you everything you need to know.”
“What do you get out of it?”
“I’m an Alpha which means I’m the strongest of our kind, and the more members I have in my pack, the stronger I become,” Derek answers truthfully without hesitation and Isaac’s eyes focus on mine again.
“You’ll still be with me if I don’t want the bite?” Isaac asks and I almost can’t believe he is even asking me that.
Isaac should know that I’m not going anywhere no matter what he decides.
Isaac needs this.
“Of course,” I reply and Isaac looks back at Derek whose dark hair is practically blending in with the night.
There’s a brief pause and Isaac looks to be debating with himself, “Okay,” Isaac agrees and I sigh in relief.
“You’re sure?” Derek asks and Isaac nods.
Before I can take a deep breath and brace myself Derek’s teeth shift and his eyes turn red before he bites into Isaac’s abdomen. Isaac yells in pain before his knees crunch against the ground as he grips his side.
“Isaac?” I can’t help but yell as I rush to his side and lean against the ground. Please be okay Isaac.
I can’t be wrong about this.
“I’m fine,” Isaac says through gritted teeth before he takes a deep breath.
“Are you sure?” I ask and grab hold of Isaac’s hand.
“I’m okay,” Isaac faces me and forces a smile, and I sigh in relief before I wrap my arms around him and unintentionally tackle him to the ground.
Isaac winces in pain before he chuckles and Derek clears his throat.
“I’ll be in the old abandoned train depot,” Derek says before he starts to walk away and leaves us alone. I can hear his crunching footsteps getting further away with each breath that I take.
Isaac is going to be fine just like Scott is. I reassure myself before I roll over and lay on the ground, looking up at the stars.
“Derek will take good care of you,” I search for Isaac’s hand again and grab hold, and Isaac squeezes my hand in response.
“Isn’t he wanted for questioning by the police?”
“He was but don’t worry he’s innocent,” I reassure Isaac.
“Well that’s good to know I guess.”
“You can trust him,” I shift onto my side and give Isaac a reassuring smile. His shirt is slightly tattered and I can see the blood staining the material as well as the bite which is slightly hiding underneath.
“I trust you,” Isaac replies.
“Please tell me you didn’t say yes to the bite just because of me?” I ask almost fearing the answer.
Isaac shakes his head, “No.”
“It’s hard to believe isn’t it?”
Isaac nods his head, “Part of me still doesn’t believe it, like this is all just a very surreal dream.”
“I know that feeling,” I reply and notice the dark shadow under Isaac’s eye. It looks like a black eye and I’m guessing it was a present from his father. I freaking hate that guy. I wish he would choke on his own vomit.
Isaac deserves better.
My fingers instantly reach out and gently trace the bruise just under his eye, “There has to be somewhere else you can go.”
“He’s my father Belle,” Isaac inches away slightly and I move my arm back by my side before I sit up.
“He stopped deserving that title the minute he laid his hands on you,” I can’t help but reply even though I know it could start an argument.
Maybe it’s time for me speak up. Isaac’s life isn’t in danger anymore, at least not from his father. I was afraid that if I told my uncle what was happening to Isaac that his father would become enraged and gravely injure or kill Isaac in response to the allegation, but now Isaac will be strong and will heal.
“It’s getting late. I should get home. My father will want to report the grave robbery first thing in the morning,” Isaac stands to his feet and I reluctantly do the same.
“Isaac I’m sorry I just hate what he does to you,” I apologise.
“At least now I will heal right?” Isaac smirks. I try to force a smile but I can’t. It’s no laughing matter.
“Yeah . . . Do you need a lift home?” I ask.
Isaac shakes his head, “No I’m fine.”
“Okay well I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me first thing in the morning and don’t tell my uncle or your father that it was a werewolf,” I reply and peck Isaac on the lips.
“Don’t worry I won’t. The last thing I need it to be locked up in an insane asylum,” Isaac replies, and I force a smile before I make my way to Grams old red Volkswagen. Why can’t I have a fairy godmother that tells me what I need to do?
Maybe I should wait and see what happens. Maybe Isaac will finally stand up to his father. I’ve just got to hope and pray that he won’t do it using his claws or sharp teeth.
Buzz, buzz . . . buzz. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket as I sit in the driver’s seat and shut the door, "I wonder who it is," I mumble and grab my phone from my pocket. It's Stiles and apparently Lydia is missing from the hospital and running around naked, but Stiles assures me he and Scott are looking for her and are going to find her.
Of course. I sigh before before I start the car.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it?
ALSO I recently uploaded a Being Human US and Twilight one shot to my One Shot book.
QUESTION . . . For those of you who watch Chicago Fire; who else is loving Mamma McCall and the Chief together. It makes me so happy!

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