Chapter 10

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AN: Not sure how many chapters left, but when the main plot is over there will be a few thing I didn’t get a chance to put in like Tony and Jacks race, Banner testing Jack and some other funny stuff. Will take requests for them. I guess their kind of like one shots. I’m surprised no one has noticed the references I’ve put in and going to put in!

See if you can pick out the references!

GO! Canada! GO! (Watching ice dance while typing)


Jack woke with a start. He sat up and stretched wincing at the stiffness of his arm. He rolled out of his bed and looked around. The walls where painted a light frosty blue and dresser, bed posts and side tables stained a dark cherry. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out his usual outfit. Royal blue pull over sweater, brown deer skin pants and his trusty shepherds crook.

Jack walked out of his room and down the hall. He wanted to find one of his brothers. He stopped at Thor’s room first, but he wasn’t there. His lights were off and everything put away neatly. Jack closed the door and went over to Loki’s room. His room was in the same condition and empty. That was odd; neither brother ever had their rooms so clean. Jack sighed and closed Loki’s door. No servant, no guards where anywhere to be seen. He walked down the hall to the throne room.

Golden rays of sunlight shone through the sky light and bounced off the empty golden throne. Odin was nowhere to be seen. ‘That’s odd.’ Jack thought.

Jack looked around the room again. He had been there before, the smell and quite creaking of the floor was familiar, but it was like seeing it for the first time.

Jacks head snapped up when he heard the sound of high heels clicking on the floor. At the end of the long hall stood a tall lady with flowing chocolate hair and bright green eyes. She smiled as bright as the sun. She ran for Jack, heels flying off behind her.

“Mom?” Jack asked. She ran straight for him, green dress flying out behind her. “Mom?!” Jack yelled. If she kept running she would run him over. Instead of running over him she ran right through him. Pain exploded in his chest. The boy gasped and dropped his staff. His own mother couldn’t see him, didn’t believe in him. Jack cried out and ran after Joro, but the thudding of boots stopped him. His brothers were dressed in full armor and weapons running straight at him. The pain in his chest only worsened as they too ran through him, not sparing a second glance. More and more people ran through him; Emily, Jamie, North, Tony, Steve and the rest of his friends and family.

“I thought this might happen.”

“We should have never of trusted you!”

“Oh, Jack. What have you done?”

Jack ran to where his friends and family had disappeared. On the other side was nothing, just a pure white expanse. Jack was alone. He closed his eyes. Something about the darkness was comforting. He opened his eyes. He regretted it.

It was dark, and cold and Jack was scared. Ice was above him and dark cold water around him.

Jacks lungs started to burn as he fought to try and break the ice, but it was no use. The ice was too thick. Jack gasped for air, but instead met by water. He coughed trying to get the water out. His eyes started to close and his body shutting down from lack of air when a thought occurred. ‘This isn’t real.’


“His injuries are too extensive to treat without the proper medications.” Banner was saying. They arrived at North’s soon after Loki and Banner finished counting Jack injuries. The poor kid had multiple broken bones and ribs, a punctured lung, cuts and bruises and possible internal bleeding. Not something a human could last through without help. “I’m surprised that we’ve been able to keep him under so long.”

“There’s no medication on earth that will dull the pain.” Loki said. Tooth and Sandy had been their earlier, but had to leave for their jobs.  Sandy had left some dreamsand for Jack.

"Then we go to Asgard!” Thor announced.

“Not sure if that’s the best idea, mate.” Bunny said. The Avenger looked between the Guardians and Thor. They felt like they were missing something.

“It’s the best option we have.” Steve said.

“Can’t we break into Asgard?” North asked. “And steal medicine.”

“No Heimdall would see us.” Thor shook his head.

“I really hate to say this, but I agree with Thor.” Loki said.

“Then the decision is made.” Thor said he walked over to Jack side and picked him up trying not to jostle him too much.

“Beam us up Scotty.” Tony muttered as Thor called for Heimdall.


“Your right, Frost.” Pitch laughed evilly. “But this is.”

The water disappeared around Jack. He coughed, spitting out the liquid. It hurt as much coughing it up as it did going down. Jack took deep breaths and looked around. He was floating midair without his staff. He’d done it before, but not without knowing. Below him was a huge snowy mountain. A lone man stood in a clearing. He wore golden armor that shone in the sunlight, shoulder length white hair and a missing eye covered with a gold eye-patch. ‘What is Odin doing here?’ Jack thought. His thought was answered by Pitch

“Many years after the war ended Odin went back to the home of the Frost giants. Something was calling him.” Pitch explained.

Odin walked towards a small cave. A familiar sound reached Jacks ears. It was a baby crying, but he couldn’t place whose cry it was.

Odin followed the sound to a bright eyed baby. The infant’s most noticeable feature was his bright ice blue eyes.

“What do we have here?” Odin asked. He smiled down at the baby. He picked the baby up and rapped a blanket around him. The little guy was cold to the touch. “Where’s your mother?”

The baby stared back at him and whimpered, eyes filling up with tears.

“Don’t cry.” Odin said cradling the baby close to his chest. “I’ll Take care of you.”

AN: Odin isn’t a complete a-hole! Anyways I’m planning my next stories, yes actually planning one. It’s centered around Jack, but he is a Werewolf (Nightshade type), assassin and has a daughter! Thor and Loki are still his brothers and the avengers are there to! It will be an Avenger and ROTG crossover! Would you read it? More info later!

Edit:  errors corrected

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