Chapter Twenty Two

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This room reminds me of the one Jake held me in, only this padded room is supposed to be happy, cheerful and helpful to my health.
At least what the nurse told me.
This room has a mattress on the floor for a bed, the blankets sewn to the sheets with just enough room for me to slide underneath them. The door is padded too, and the only way to open it is from the outside.
No windows except one, but the one in here is painted and fake. In the picture, a smiling daisy rests on the windowsill, looking at me with black dots for eyes.
I sneer at it from where I'm seated in the corner of this small square room, my knees tucked into my chest as my gaze flicks from the childish flower to the cameras on the ceiling, one for each corner, as well as the intercom above the door and a button by the 'bed' to call for a nurse 'just on case'.
"How long have I been here?!", I yell to whoever's watching. "If I'm going to be locked in here, you might as well give me something to do!"
Nothing. Not even static from the speaker.
I shrug and bite my palm until I taste blood, camping up the pressure to go even deeper.
After a moment, a thin stream of scarlet water trickles down my arm, which I make sure to show the cameras, one after the other.
I have to feed. I'll die without more, the voice tells me. We have to-
"-Survive", I growl as I drink the water, grinning to myself at the sound of pounding footsteps outside the room, stopping in front of my door.
It flies open and three men rush in, two yanking me to my feet and tearing my hand out of my mouth while the other dogs into his pocket, pulling out a syringe.
Another sleeping drug.
"No!", I shriek. "No more!"
As he stands right in front of me, I use a trick that has worked for centuries.
I bring my foot up, right into his family jewels, making him shriek like a little girl and collapse on the padded floor, curled into a ball.
Next, I take on the men holding on to me, kicking my legs up, using my momentum to flip, jerking my arms out of their strong grip.
I land on wobbly legs, silently thanking Morona for teaching me how to kick ass.
"You can stop this now", the one on the left tells me, using a high pitched voice as if I were three. "And we'll forget this, okay?"
I eye the open door behind them and lunge, barreling into him, sending us across the room in somersaults.
My foot is barely out into the hall before an arm wraps around my elbows, trapping my arms to my sides as I'm lifted off of my feet and half carried, half dragged back inside.
"No!", I scream, kicking my legs in the air, thrashing around as the syringe needle enters my neck.
I fight the darkness, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I keep fighting.
"She needs another dose", the one holding me grunts. "Quickly."
Another needle. More darkness.
I give one last kick before my body goes limp and I fade away.
Next time, we'll get out.

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