Kill, become a vampire.

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The vampires, one woman and two men, came closer to us. I could see their blood red eyes.

Carlisle intruduced us as his family,I thought I'd never hear him say that I was apart of his family.

They asked Carlisle if they could play with us.

"Sure. Some of us was getting ready to leave." He answerd. We, Bella, Edward and me, turned around and started walking when a wind blew Bella's hair. James, one if the vampires, who is a tracker instantly tried to get Bella. Ofcorce, all of the Cullen's got in positions, ready to fight. Me and Bella stood behind all of them.

"James, let's go" Laurent, the other male vampire said.

 They then left and Bella was draged of by Edward. I got a ride from Rosalie and she drove me home. She told me to stay inside my house and not leave it untill it was safe.

After ten minutes Bella came home yelling at Edward. They had apparentlly made a plan, the plan was; Tell Charlie that Edward and her had a fight and broke up and she is leaving for Pheonix.

It was really sad to see Charlie cry. Bella had really hurt him by saying the last thing René had said to him. I hugged him and eventully he calmed down and said he was working night, so he left for the police station.

When I was asleep I had a dream about my mother for the first time in weeks.


"Hello Lily" was the first thing she said to me. We where standing in the woods.

"Hey, where have you been? I havn't seen you for weeks!" I said to her when I went up to her and hugged her.

 We where really close, we had talked all night long every time we had spoken, in dreams ofcource.

She didn't hug me back so I asked her what was wrong.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time, I hust came here to trll you it's almost time. And when it is over I'll find you, if I can" She said

"What? What do you mean if you can?"

"There are som people after me. I have made some bad mistakes I need to fix. I'm sorry" 

<<<End dream>>>

Then the dream disepeard and I fell into another dream. 

A few days had passed and still I had heard nothing from Bella. Charlie I had neither seen so much of, he was at work almost all day and came home late then leave early in the morning. But something was different one morning.

Someone was shaking me. I rolled over and looked at the clock; 5. Then I looked up, expecting to see Charlie there, but insted there stood a vampire with red hair; Victoria. She was one of the vampires we meet at the baseball day. She was also mate of James. But this time she wasn't her cocky self she had been then, no, she looked heart broken ( if she had one). She told me that Edward had killed her mate James, and now to get back to him, she was going to hurt Bella and I was a part of it. She grabbed my arm and draged me to the window, but I fought back. Since I was stronger than a human, I lasted a bit longer. But not for long. Soon I was unconscious.

<<< 2 hours later>>>

I woke up in a black room and I saw that I was tied up to a pole. Out of the shadows stepped Victoria.

"What are you? Your wound you got in the fight we had is healed. No human heals so fast" She asked me.

Oh, right, forgott to mention, vampires can't get wounded unless their ripped apart and I can heal faster than a human, but is not " invinseble" as vampires.

Stupid me told her everything about me being half vamp and how I can become a ful one.

"Hmm.. Interesting, this could hurt Bella if she found out that her Sissy killed anyone..." She said then dissepeard. I hed a really bad fealing, so I tried my best to break free. But, un-lucky me didn't get free. Soon Victoria came back, but not alone. She had a human boy with her. I recioniced him as Toby Fell, a boy from my school.

Victoria took out a knife and cut Toby's wrist. Red blood cane out of his wound. I instantly wanted to drink it. Victoria brought his wrist close to my mouth. I wanted to recist it, but I couldn't. It was sweet. As soon as I tasted it I wanted more. I drank untill he colapsed, dead.

then the pain started. It feelt like fire.


James was dead. Edward had killed him and saved Bella from becoming a vampire. Bella was now in a hospital and all of the Cullen's where stuck in their hotel room, due to the sun outside.

They where sitting on the couch, bored, when Alice got a vision. Both her and Edward said on the same time ´oh,no´. Alice had seen a vision of Lily becoming a vampire by killing and Edward had reed her mind. They told this to the others and Esmé and Rosalie feelt guilty. They had forgotten to protect Lily, they had instead protected Charlie.

Edward decided to stay, but the rest of the family where flying home to save Lily, even if they where late.

They arrived to the place Alice had leed them to, and old factory. They went in and as soon as Victoria saw them she fleed. Lily was on the ground, in pain. They brought her home to their house and layed her on the couch.

Two days later Alice called them to the living room and told them it was almost over for Lily's pain. A few minutes later Lily opened her eyes.

She opened them as a new person.

She was a new born

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