Chapter OO5: ATL Isn't So Bad

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We were in Jacob's car laughing and making jokes. He pretty funny. And he wasn't lying when he said he can sing.

"Jacob your voice is beautiful." I giggle

"Since you heard me sing, now it's your turn." I was about to sing but the car came to a stop.

"We're here!" I laughed he did that on propose.

"Why would you ask me to sing if you knew we were here already." I bump him and he bump me back.

"Because I had a feeling it would make you mad." I laugh and just shook my head.  He open the door for me and I smile and walk pass and he follow behind me.

"Damnn." is what I heard from behind me. I turn around and saw Jacob looking at my ass.

"Jacob!!" I hit him on his shoulder.

"Jacob over here!" I believe that's the other Jacob while in the car Jacob was telling me about his friends. We walk over toward the table, with me standing behind Jacob the whole time.

"What's up Jacob?" a boy with small locks who I believe is Chresanto said... Jacob told me to stay away from him. Well him, Ray and Daniel.

"Ain't nothing new chilling, hanging out with my new neighbor daughter Najee." I smile showing off my dimples and I wave.

"Hey shawty I'm...." a boy with two long braids began to start I cut him off.

"You're Rayon and that's Craig and that's the other Jacob and that's Daniel and last be surely not last is Chresanto." I giggle. They all smile at me. Jacob sat down next to Craig, who look me up and down and smirk. I look at the food and the table and I decide to get something to eat.

"Ugh I'm hungry, so Jake I'm going to get on line." I turn around and swiftly walk over to the line. I can tell the boys were looking at me. I pull out my phone and call Nasjay. She answer on the first ring.

"Chello best friend." she answer the phone

"How was the game?" I asked

"We lose, it's just not the same without you." I sigh

"Are you with the team now?"

"Yeah we at Dennys... hold on"

"Hey Najee." they all said

"Hey guys."

"How is the big A?"

"it's ok so far, I have this really cute neighbor name Jacob." I hear them laugh

"What Jay you cheating on basketball." Summer said

"Haha very funny." I said

"Don't be mad at us you always talking about basketball, so its rare to hear you talk boy." Troi said

"Whatever but then he got the sexiest friends ever Jesus." now we were all laughing up a storm.

"Jay you killing us, stop." a few seconds later we were calm.

"Take lots of pictures boo."Tatiee said

"Of course bae." it was finally my turn to order and so I told the girls I would call them later. I walk up to the cashier, he was a cutie

"Hi can I get medium curly fries and a hamburger with no pickles and onions also can I get a water please and thank you." I said smiling.

"Sure your total is 8.37." I gave him 9 dollars and told him to keep the change. I stood to the side and waited for my food. I felt eyes on me and I turned around and the boys head turn away from me. I just laugh.

Mr. Heartbreaker (Jacob Latimore)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant