Chapter OO1: Insight

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Najee Miller

"Mommmmmmmy do we have to move?" I whine.

"Najee... yes we have to move."

"How about I finish the school year living with mom and granddaddy."

"Let me think about it.... NO YOU'RE MOVING WITH ME AND THAT'S FINAL." I sigh...

"You can't say I didn't try." I mumble then pick up the last box from my room. And went downstairs to the moving truck.

"Little bit" it could only be one person

"Hey dad." I walk over to him and gave him a hug.

"How's everything little bit."

"Ok I guess... Daddy I don't wanna leave. I LOVE New York. My whole life is invested here. I just can't move. Especially this year not with basketball me being first in my school, second in New York and third in the country. Me moving to Atlanta is like basketball suicide. I'm jeopardized my basketball career for college. AND WHAT ABOUT THE ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN ALL STAR GAME" I pace back and fore...

"Little bit you can still play basketball in Atlanta. Maybe not with the school but with an outside league." He said pulling me into a hug. I need one.

"Daddy it's not going to be the same. It's the December of my junior year. These people known each other since 9th grade. Maybe even longer. I'm be that new girl Najee." I sigh.

"Little bit you not going to be that new girl Najee... You are Najee Lyrical Miller the basketball player. First in your school... Second in New York... and Third in the country... You not just some girl little bit."

"I know daddy."

"Look here... I want you to do some research on who is the number one player in Georgia and what's her stats and what's her ranking in the country."

"I know that. Her name is Aaliyah Brooks. Scores 18.9 on avg per game. 2.2 asst. 3.4 stole and 4.6 rebound and she fifth in the country." He smiles at me.

"Why you smiling for??"

"She fifth in the country and you're third. So that means you going to be number one in Georgia and if she does or doesn't go to your school, you'll still be first. Now that I think about it why wouldn't the coach put the third girl in the country to play on their team."

"You're right I'm Najee Lyrical Miller the best of the best. I'm elite."

"That's my girl."

"Thank You daddy!!"

"Najee... come on and help me with the rest of the boxes."

"I guess this is goodbye." I feels tears forming in my eyes. I hate crying in front of people, it show that someone is weak.

"No little bit just a see you soon." I walk over to the house and I look back at my dad. He wave at me and I smile then walk back inside the house.

Jacob Latimore

"Hello?" I answer my phone

"Hey bae?" It's Amber my girlfriend.

"What's good Amber?"

"Can I come over ?"

"Ugh... tonight is family time."

"Ok then what stopping me from coming over?"

"Amber it's over..." I said bluntly not really caring.

"Wait what... Jacob are you serious." I can hear the tears she was trying to hold back.

"Very serious."

"But you said you love me, then we had sex... You was my first."

"Well I don't love you... matter of fact I never told you I love you... You just assume I did. Two I ask you twice and you sure about us having sex and you was up for it."

"I hate you Jacob Latimore. Suck my dick.!!" She yells over the phone.

"First things first... You don't have a dick l and second you alright suck mine. Bye" I hung up the phone and laugh. These girls think they can change my heart and the way I think about love.

"Jacob come downstairs and come eat." I hear my mother call from downstairs.

"Yea ma'am" I said getting off the bed, out the room and heading downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw my mother and my pop talking at the dinner table.

'What are you two talking about?" I said

"About our new neighbour's daughter..." my pop's smile a big smile.

"Why so happy pop?"

"Well our neighbor's daughter is going to be Najee Miller!!!"

"Who is she?? "

"She the third best basketball player in the country and she coming to your school. And she going to be playing for the team."

"Pop basketball season already started. You just can't put people on the team. What about Aaliyah, isn't she captain."

"See the differences between Aaliyah and Najee.... Najee is going to bring us a champion. And as the Coach of the girl basketball team.... Aaliyah will not be captain as long as Najee is around."

"That doesn't seem fair Jacob." My mom said after chewing her food.

"I'm trying to do what's best for the team and that's final." My mom and I looked at each and then my pops and just shook our head.

"Change subject now... Jake how are things with Amber?" My mom said

"We broke up?" I said

"Good" both of my parents said and I just laugh

"I didn't like her for you anyways... but I do like is Alisa. How is she?"

"Ugh she good... I guess I don't really talk to her a lot after we broke up!" I felt a lump in my throat.

"I love you and Alisa together. That girl can do anything she put her mind to. That's the type of girl you need in your life. Not these fast ass little girl you been going out with lately. You know what I think you and her should get back together."

"Can I be excuse please.... I'm not hungry anymore."

"Was it something I said?"

"No mom, may I?"

"Sure!" My mom said.

I got up from the dinner table and headed to my room.

"She always mentioning Alisa!" I jump into my bed and took out my phone and look through the pictures. I see a picture of us at the beach. I smile to myself.

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