Chapter OO3: Talks About The New Girl

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Jacob Latimore

I walk into school trying to find my crew. They said they were going to be in the gym. As I walk to the gym I saw Amber and her clique and I laugh because they were all giving me the stink face. All besides Amber herself, she just looked sad and avoid trying to make eye contact with me.

"Bitch made nigga." one of them said, I ain't worried about nothing and I continue my walk to the gym.

I saw my crew post up against the wall.

"Yo" They said when they saw me. I dap all of them

"What's doe?" I said

"We just chilling... we waiting for the girls... they having a meeting about a basketball star coming to the school tomorrow." Chresanto said.

"Oh yeah... my pop was telling me about this last night." I said.

"And you just telling us now." Daniel said

"Didn't know it was any of your concern Daniel."

"Well it is when it's fresh meat coming to the school." Daniel said and him Chres and Rayon laugh and Craig, other Jacob and I just shook our heads.

"That's rude... What if she ugly or a dike." Jacob said, I laugh because it can be true.

"Well her name is Najee Miller... So be my guest to look her up." I said

"Just did... she bad." Jacob said. We went to see a picture of her.

"I'm trying holla at that?" Daniel said.

"She don't want you, she wants someone just like me." Rayon said.

"Yo doesn't Olivia like you?" Jacob ask him.

"Yeah and..." he responded

"And didn't you ask her on a date Friday night?" Craig said

"I don't see your point." I just looked at him like he was crazy.

"Dude they going to be on the same team didn't you think they going to find out about each other." I said. That's when the bell rung for first period. That's when the gym door open forcefully and it was Aaliyah. We all know better not to bother her because she mad. The rest of the girls finally came out.

"Aye yo Teyanna what happened to Aaliyah?" Craig asked

"Someone girl from New York is coming to here and according to your dad Jake she really, really good... And I'm guessing Aaliyah doesn't like her."

"Well according to PSAL website... Najee is rank number three in the country!"

"And what about Aaliyah?" Ashley asked

"She number fifth"

"But isn't Liyah number one Georgia" Olivia ask


"Maybe that's why Liyah don't like her... When she comes she going to be number one and Liyah is going to be number two." Teyanna said.

That's when the second bell rung meaning we were late to class but we never cared. I had English with Aaliyah, so this was my chance to talk to her and to see her side. I walk into class and I saw Alisa and Aaliyah sitting next to each other.

"Damnn" I said quietly to myself. I forgot she was in this class too. I wanted to still talk to her but I don't want a awkward moment between us. So I sat close enough to them to hear what they were talking about.

"So what happened Liyah?" Alisa ask

"This new girl named Najee... She taking my spot on the team."

"How do you know?"

"Because coach Latimore said so"

"Did he it directly to you or did you just assumed that?"

"I assumed"

"So you worried about a girl that might not be taking your spot." Liyah sigh. Lisa has a point.

"You're right... but if she doesn't happen to take my spot, I don't want you talking to her. Alright?" Liyah said

"Whatever" and their conversation ended with that. I listened to the English teacher for the rest of the period.


"Jacob I need you and your father to come straight home." my mom said on the phone.

"Did something happen mom?" I said getting kind of worried

"Oh no sweetie, I just want you guy home... So we meet the new neighbor's"

"ok I guess I will tell pop."

"Alright bye Jakey Pooh." I laughed

"bye mom" I hung up the phone and got the things I need for homework. I closed my locker and walk to the gym. My pops should still be in his office. I knocked twice and I heard come in and I open the door.

"He pop, mom said she wants us to come straight home today to meet the new neighbors."

"Alright just give me a few minutes. I need to make sure Najee is set for tomorrow." I nodded my head and walk out the office closing the door behind me. I set my things on the floor and grab a basketball and started to shot around waiting for my pop.

I heard a door open and then close.

"Alright Jacob let's go before your mother kills us." I laughed and we walk out the gym and out the school. We both got into your cars and drove home...

Can't wait to meet this Najee girl.

Mr. Heartbreaker (Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now