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"I CANT TAKE THIS ANY MORE MOSSIAH!!!"I screamed to my boyfriend of five years

I am tired of the constant abuse, I vowed this would be the last time he would put his hands me. I had to lie about my injuries to the officers that repeatedly questioned me, the nurses and doctors and my close family. If I was to ever go to the authorities, the abuse would get worse. I fear one day he will just go further and kill me.


Mossiah and I have been dating for about three years and it was our Anniversary. I can say we had our ups and down like every other relationship , we fought, yelled and sometimes we were so close to giving up , but we always made it work. Lately we have been going through a rough patch in our relationship where Mossiah would come home late and smelling like weed. Whenever I questioned him we would just get into a loud heated argument and I just was tired of fighting.

On July 14th it made us three years, I wanted to put away all the fighting aside and make the night all about us. Earlier that day I went to Vicky's secret and brought tons of matching bra and panties set, I couldn't choose which one he would like best. I went and got my hair done by one of my friends Brianna. Mossiah really didn't like the friends I had before and slowly they disappeared. she wand curled my hair that already reached to the middle of my back. When I got home I cooked his favorite meal fried chicken, mash potatoes, corn, green beans and cornbread. Before he left the house this morning I already told him I had a surprise for him and he must be home by right tonight. The clock just stroked seven, it was time for me to get ready for the night I had planned.

Looking through the Vicky's secret bag, I laid out a black bra and pantie set on my bed, and I went and took a thirty mintue shower. When I got out it was 7:30, I lotioned my smooth caramel skin and picked out the black lace bra and panties set from the shopping bag. I started on my make-up , I really wasn't a make-up type of girl, I just applied mascara which made my hazel eyes which made them pop and a striking red lipstick to top it all off. I went into my walk in closet and found my gold Christian Louboutin and put it on. I paired my ensemble with a long gold chain which fell in between my C cup breast and gold hoop earrings. When I was completely done and pleased with how I looked it was eight on the dot. I went down stairs and waited for Mossiah to come home. I checked the clock , the time began to changed from eight which turned into nine which turned into ten. I have been calling his phone none stop; on the last attempt to call it went straight to voicemail which meant he turned his phone off. I was done, I went through all this work in cooking his favorite meal and getting ready for him and makes the night special and he wasn't considerate enough to come home and celebrate. I went upstairs and put on grey sweatpants and over sized t-shirt. I found my Gucci Luggage set and I began packing all my things. I called My friend Brianna.

"Bri can I stay with you for a while?"

"What happen Ana ?" she answered with so much attitude

"Can I come or not?" I said through gritted teeth

"Loose that attitude I'm not the one you upset with and yeah you can crash here." She murmured

I really don't know why the hell I'm still friends with this girl, but she was the only friend I had. She was the only friend that Mossiah aloud me to have.

I know I'm suppose to be a grown women and should be able to choose her own friends, but as my relationship began to go down hill so did all my friendships.

I walked into my closet and started pulling things off the hangers and started throwing any and everything in to all the different bags I had across the room. I didn't care if I took all my designer bags or my beloved shoes I just wanted to get out the house before he got home.

I finished packing and was hauling all my luggage downstairs and when coming down for my last trip, I saw Mossiah standing in front of the pile of suitcases with a bouquet of red roses and a box of Ferrero Rocher, it's my favorite chocolate.

"WTF Annabelle what the hell is going on?"

"Are you stuck on stupid? I'm leaving I had enough , this is bullshit , you walking up here at twelve with another girl lips stick smeared on your collar and two hickies on both side of your neck and you want to ask what's going on? Don't even come at me like that, I got all pretty and made your favorite dinner and put everything aside and you went out cheating? I'm done"I yelled through tears.

I began picking up my bags, and that's when Mossiah snatched it out my grasp.

"WTF Mossiah" I yelled

"You said you was going to ride through thick and thin what happened you ready to leave cause I came home late? You know what I do and I can't always come home on time" Mossiah pleaded his case

"Yeah I said I was a ride or die, but I didn't say I would sit here and let you disrespect me and cheat on me, you can't come home smelling like another women, who was stupid enough to leave marks on you and just go with it. Mossiah I deserve better, I love you but not enough to stay here and constantly be walk on" I whispered and tried to pick up my bags again.


I stared into his eyes, which was once a light brown has gone dark and cold and this is when Knight came out; I tried to walk around him trying to by pass him , he pushed me aggressivately, against the wall.

He gripped my throat cutting off my air supply, I started gasping for air." did you hear me? you are not leaving me" I attempted to pushed him off of me of me, which I failed.

"I --can't--breath" I struggled to get out as I started to fall into unconsciousness.

*flashback done*

This is my first story, I would loves feedback about this story.

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