If the Shoe Fits

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"Horrible" Matilda pouted "some girl dragged Chris away from us, we ended up dancing with the second and third hottest guys in school, I got second best" Amanda flipped her hair. "Only becuase you pushed me out of the way!"

"Girl girls, go change, and Iris will bring you dinner to your rooms, then we will discuss how to make you prettier." The step-mother snapped her fingers at Iris and she rushed up to the girls room. "What's that perfume smell" she squinted at Iris. "I don't know ma'am, probably from the girls"
Iris did not face her and kept walking.

Iris carefully walking to the girls room. "I can't belive that stupid girl took Chris from me, he almost fell for me"

"You mean me"

"No me"

"No me"

Iris knocked on their door, "dinner."

"It's about time, food will make me feel better" Amanda grabbed the bowl of past and started shoving them in her mouth "So you didn't have fun?" Iris asked. They both looked at her in discussed, "uh duh if course not, go back to the attic" Matilda shooed her away.

"Actually I'm going home" she said to her self. Iris started texting Chris as she walked to her room.

Me: Hey what now? How do we go home

Chris: Idk I figured we'd just teleport back to school

Me: We finished the story didn't we!?

Chris: Well.... I still have to give you the shoe and then....we kiss..

Me: But I did kiss you

Chris: I don't think the cheek is good enough...we'll talk about this tomorrow, meet me at the park, it's right by the school

Me: Goodnight

Iris stared at the ceiling "I might have to kiss Chris tomorrow" she sighed. "He's gonna get humiliated, and Rose is gonna hate me, but I also have to get home" she slowly started to fall asleep.

The next morning

Iris got break ready and set it on the table, she tried to slowly sneak out the door. "Where do you think your going" the step-mother's voice boomed. "Liz invited me to eat breakfast at a near by restaurant, she's paying" Iris held her breath.

"Are your chores done?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Be back in exactly one hour, we could use a break from you" she rolled her eyes. Iris nodded and ran out the door, "the feeling is neutral" she said to her self. Iris grabbed a bike and rode to the park.

Chris was waiting for her there with a picnic blanket spread out. "Seriously" Iris crossed her arms "what can I say, it's the royalty in me" he smirked.

"Your shoe my lady" he kneeled and held up the heel. Iris laughed and rolled her eyes. "Well, what are you waiting for, sit on the bench" Chris patted the seat. She sat down and he slipped the heel on her foot. "Now for the kiss?"

"Do we really have to!?" Iris whined "I think so, we have to get back home." They leaned close to each other, Iris shut her eyes tightly, she felt her lips touch his. It felt as if like everything bad in the world had suddenly stopped and it was just the two of them and no one else for miles.

Then the feeling stopped Iris opened her eyes "why aren't we back"

"I don't know, I think maybe we have to find our back ourselves" Chris sighed. "Seriously!?" Iris sat up, "great now I gonna get back to the wicked witch and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb" she marched away.

"I think you mixed up your fairy ta-"

"I meant what I said!" Iris felt angry, she kissed him and and possibly lost her friend, the worst part, she actually liked it. She walked through the door and slammed it. "Quit that noise!" Matilda screamed.

"Where were?" Her step-mother stood infront of Iris with her arms "Um...I went to study with Liz"

"Hmmm that's funny I thought you said you were going out for breakfast with Liz" the sisters walked up to their mom. "She was on a date with Chris" Amanda held up a picture of her with Chris earlier. "Were you spying on me!?"

"I told her too" the step-mom said "So I get a crappie room, I can't go to the dance, I can't eat my own food and now I can't get privacy" Iris yelled, she was already pissed off anyway.

"I know you went to the dance anyway, and how dare you question my methods of caring for you, you ungrateful child"

"Caring for me!? Caring for me!? You treat me like your slave, my real mother is the most evil witch in all the lands and she cared for me more then you." The step-mother grabbed both her wrists and squeezed it tight.

"Ow stop it you're me"

"That's exactly the point you stupid girl, your going right up to your room so you never get in the way of my girls" the step-mom pulled Iris up the stairs. "No! Let me go!" A blast of dark magic exploded out of Iris's body knocking out the sisters and step-mom.

"My magic! It's back, the story must be over!" Iris ran out the door. Liz's car pulled up infront of the house, she rolled down the window. "Hurry get in, we know the way back to Fable Academy" She said.

"How do you know..."

"It's us Bonny and Albert, we suddenly remembered who we were and what happens a few minutes ago" Albert spoke from inside the car. Iris rushed inside the car, she saw Chris already sitting inside, she say on the other side of the car and tried not making eye contact.

"Next stop Fable Academy"

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