Growth of the bean stalk

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"Give me that dog now Rose!" the mother yelled, Rose was infront of King. "Not gonna happen!" she growled, Rose hoped that this world didn't have inof magic to turn her into a beast. "would you rather starve!? We have nothing to eat" The mom yelled angerly.

"The seeds are going to grow in other inof beans to feed us for a year" Rose explained. "Growing them will take too long" the mother said, "why don't you steal some money" Gale suggested. "I'm not as stealthy as you honey and I don't want to risk getting arrested" the mom said. Gale searched his pockets, "Rose the dog is just more money to spend on, we can't afford him either way, I mean your brothers fox can hunt for herself" the mom explained calmly.

"He is my best friend and nothing is going to make me sell him" Rose said angrily. "Here take this money mom" Gale handed her $15. "Where did you get this?" the mom asked, "does that really matter right now?" Gale raised an eyebrow. "No it doesn't, Rose thank your brother, but you can't hold on to that dog for ever" the mom left the trailer.

Rose stared at Gale shocked, "what?" He said defensively. "Um.. thanks... but why did you help me, I thought you hated me" she said.

"Oh I hate your guts Princess, but I love the animals, and I wouldn't want King I'm the hands of some random guy on the street who bought him for cheep just to abuse him" Gale pet Trixie. "In a palace he's better I guess, gourmet food, servants walking him, and giving him the royal treatment" Gale rolled his eyes.

"Acually I take care of him, the servants don't know anything about dogs" Rose laughed. "Of course they don't, they're too busy waiting your hand and foot" Gale walked outside. Rose angerly fallowed him. "What is your problem! The "servants" don't just wait on us they are also good friends, at the end of the day EVERY ONE in the castle have a big feast together, we treat them like family" Rose yelled.

"Would you keep it down!" Gale yelled, he picked up a pale and watered the beans. He pulled out some sort of dust from his satchel, and sprinkled them on to the seeds. "What's that?" Rose asked curiously. "It's growth dust, I stoll it from Naturology, the professor doesn't care."

"You need to stop stealing" Rose crossed her arms, "heh, or what" he dusted his hands. "Are you going to call your guards?" He pretended to sound scared. "Ok look obviously we are going to be spending some time together so maybe we could try to get along, or at least pretend?" Rose asked.

"Ok fine" Gale got up and did an exaggerated bow, "would your highness like a massage, or a gourmet meal for lunch" he said in a fake British accent. Rose slapped her forehead, the ground suddenly started to shake, Rose fell and King stood in front of her and growled. A thick root grew from the ground and kept growing.

"That stuff of yours... it works well" Rose said taking a breath. "Let's see one of your prince's do that" Gale smirked. "Chris might" Rose said quietly, but Gale heard her and rolled his eyes. The root kept growing and growing, until it went through the clouds.

Gale started climbing, "Wait but this world has no magic, if we climb up, we'll just fall through" Rose said scared. "Well your not going anyway so you shouldn't worry"  Gale said continuing to climb. "What! Of course I'm going" Rose grabbed a root and pulled her self up.

But the root snapped and she fell. "Ugh, you'll just slow me down, besides it was just Jack who climbed it, not some princess." Gale was now a foot up, "King stay" Rose commanded.

She grabbed another root and tugged it to make sure it was firm. She pulled her self up and began to climb. Rose tried not to look down, she stood on a giant leave, she jumped on the leaf and it launched her higher then Gale.

She was like five inches higher than him "who's the princess now" Rose gave a proud smile. She kept climbing "still you" Gale climbed faster and passed her.

They reached the top, "now to step on the cloud" Rose said shaking, "save the drama, I'll test it" Gale said. "No ill do it" Rose said, "this isn't a pride thing princess, I've fell from high places befor, you haven't" Gale stopped Rose. She was relieved he was willing to go.

Gale put one foot on the cloud, Rose shut her eyes in fear. Gale screamed, Rose opened her eyes to see he was falling, "Gale!" Rose screamed she inched down below the clouds to see if she could spot him. "Gale?!" She called, "here" he weakly called out.

Rose closed her eyes and let go of the vine, she landed on the leaf next to him. "You ok?" Rose asked, "yeah... I grabbed a loose vine" he said in breaths. He stepped on the leaf, his hand was in pain. "Oh my god your hand is bleeding!" Rose took his hand.

Gale hissed in pain, "I'm fine I've had worse cuts" Gale lied. "It doesn't matter it's bad if it keeps bleeding like this, give me your hand" Rose commanded. "Don't touch me I'm fine" Gale snapped.

"Your obviously not, now let me help, you got any water in that bag?" Rose asked. Gale pulled out a water bottle, "yeah, why?" Rose grabbed his hand and the water bottle, "now this is gonna sting" Rose warned, she slowly started pouring the water. "Aaaghh" he screamed, "hold On, almost done" Rose said calmly.

Rose washed away the last of the blood, she ripped off one of her sleeves and rapped it around his hand tightly then secured it with a note. "There that should stop the bleeding" Rose said. "But your top is now ruined, you don't have any servants to fix it here" Gale looked at his hand.

"So what, it's just a shirt, and I don't think it's even mine" Rose laughed trying to lighten the moment. Gale glared at her, he thanked her in his mind. "So shall we try again?" Rose started climbing, "try what? There's no magic, you were wrong princess, unsurprisingly."

"Get this through .... your thick skull ....full of air, I'm not just a.... princess... and two I'm never wrong about two things, Fairy tales and animals" Rose grunted still climbing.

"Your going to get yourself killed" Gale called, "aw how sweet, your worried about me" Rose mocked. "Uh yeah, but not becuase i care, because I'm worried of what we are going to tell that mother of ours" Gale said. He grabbed a vine and started to climb, just by touching it his hand throbbed.

He hissed, "you stay down there, your not fit to climb" Rose yelled, she was now at the top. "HEY no one tells me what to do!" Gale yelled. Rose looked around, trying to see if she could see anything that would give her the slightest clue. Just then she saw something, it was blurry, but as they came closer she knew exactly what they were.

"Yes!" Rose yelled, she climbed all the way to the tallest point that she could stand on. "Oh dear God please let me be right" she preyed. "Hey what do you think your doing princess?" Gale said. Rose ignored him, and jumped.

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