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Iris was cooking dinner, it was 9:15, "thanks alot Iris, becuase of you we are going to be late for the dance" Matilda scoffed.

"How is it even my fault I didn't ask you to stay"

"Because all of us know what a spoiled brat you are, and mother needs to make sure you do your chores" Amanda said. "Says the two girls who get what ever they want with a single tear" Iris whispered.

The door bell rang, the step-mother opened the door and handed Liz the dress. She stood at the door until she saw Liz's car turn the corner, "All right girls, now let's go" she said cheerfully, "Iris I will be home with the girls by 12, and I expect the table to be set and food properly cooked" she slammed the door.

Iris started to text Liz

Me: They left, bring the dress

Liz: Got it, on my way

"Here's the dress, but I need to get ready too, soooo"

"Oh no"

"Girl make over time!" Liz squealed. Iris's sisters had every beauty product ever made, which Liz was super excited about. She already had her make up done so she just had to put on her dress.

But she insisted giving Iris a make over. "Is there any point in doing the top half of my face!? I'll be wearing a mask"

"And you don't know when you'll take the mask off" Liz said.

"Oh and I have a surprise for you" she squealed, Liz held out some gorgeous looking purple high heels. "Those look painfully perfect" Iris exclaimed.

Liz pushed Iris into the car, "step on it Benji" Liz commanded, "now remember I have to be home before 12:00, so I can reheat the dinner" Iris set her alarm for 11:30, "got that Benjamin"

"Yup" he said looking at me through the review mirror. They got to the school, which was brightly lit. "Well see you around, I'm gonna take this lady dancing" Benjamin twirled Liz. Iris walked around looking for Chris.

The room was dark with colorful lights flashing, she noticed her sisters, and preyed the mask hid her face well, along with them, a bunch of girls were together in a crowd. "Somthing tells me Chris is going to be right in the middle of that crowd" she sighed.

Chris pushed himself through the crowd of girls "Alright ladies, I need a break"

"I'll make sure your comfortable Chris!" Amanda screamed, Iris rolled her eyes, she grabbed Chris's hand and pulled him away from the girls. "Oh come on what part of a break do you not understand" Chris yelled.

"And I thought you wanted to be saved" Iris said, "Iris!?" Chris asked staring at her, "good so you couldn't recognize me" she smirked.

"Well? Shall we dance?" Chris held out his hand and pulled his mask down, she hesitantly took his hand. "You do know that this can't ever happen, and I'm just dancing with you for the story" Iris yelled in the noise.

"Oh yeah?! And why can't it?"

"Because your a nice guy, and nice guys aren't my type" Chris dipped her, "And what is your type?"

"Um...boys who don't fallow the rules, basicly bad boys" she stammered, she felt weird with his face so close to hers, he pulled her back up. "Ok let's see, I'm a prince who is in love with one of the most evil villains daughter and is currently dancing with her, if that's not a big of a break for you, then I suggest you go look for a date in a prison." Iris laughed, "see, I can make you laugh, and I think that you like me back" he smiled. "Ok no! when this whole mess is over we will remain friends" she said confidently. "Nope, I can see it in your eyes, but I can also tell there's a bigger reason why your pretending not to like me" Chris said gently.

The song changed, Iris pulled away, "well mister mind reader, that was your one dance, so time to call it a night" Iris tried walking away but Chris grabbed her arm, and pulled her close. He led her outside to the school garden, he sat down on a bench and Iris sat next to him. "What's holding you back" he squeezed her hand. She looked down and said nothing. "If you, really just don't love me, look me in the eyes and say so, then I will just go along with the story and after that we will remain just friends, nothing more" he sighed.

Iris looked into his eyes, she wanted to just say, I don't like you that way, but she couldn't bring herself to say that. "Rose likes you, I just don't want to hurt her, and it makes no sense why a prince like you would even consider a villain like me" Iris was starting to cry, but she held it in. Chris smiled at her "do you remember the day you saved me from Gale?


"Ever since then I've liked you, your loyalty, ability to care, and not to mention beautiful, no villain would be that selfless" Chris came closer to her, Iris scooted away "and Rose? what about her?!" Iris's voice cracked. "When I was talking to Rose about how to ask you out, she said she just wants you to be happy, that's all she wants" Chris stood up. He pulled Iris closer to him, her lips were just inches from his, suddenly Iris felt a vibration in her pocket, she took out her phone to see her 11:30 alarm went on. "I have to get back to the house!!!" Iris began to run to the school.

"Chris, find Liz and Benjamin" Iris commanded, Chris nodded and they ran opposite directions, Iris found Liz at the punch bowl, "We've gotta go, NOW!" she pulled Liz "where's Benji?" Iris asked, "I don't know?!" Iris met and Benjamin at the school entrance, "Wait Chris White?!" Liz squealed, "Not the time Liz" Iris pushed her into the car, "oh almost forgot" Iris took off one of her heels and handed it to Chris, "I live two blocks away from here, its the pink house" she said, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Benjamin drove as fast as he could, they got to the house at 11:50, "Liz can you put all the food in the microwave and reheat each dish for 3 minuets, I got to change" Iris ran upstairs, and Liz started warming up the food. Iris ran down to smell all the delicious food. "Good job, now here take this and go sneak out the back, Benji's waiting for you a few blocks down" Iris handed her the dress. She heard her step-family's car pull up, she covered her self in flour and messed up her hair. They walked through the door, Iris held up a plate of pasta "So? how was the dance?"

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