Date Night

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So it turned out riding in a giants hair was way to uncomfortable for Kaitlyn, Rose, and Gale, so they just rode in her purse and Kaitlyn was wearing an earpiece so she could hear everything they were telling her.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late" Rose spoke to the phone, "hey sorry I'm late" Kaitlyn repeated, "No worries, I hope you don't mind but I ordered you a salad already"

"I don't mind at all" Rose said, Kaitlyn repeated, "you look beautiful tonight" he smiled, "Oh thank you" Kaitlyn blushed. "Complement him back!"

She accidently repeated "Complement him back" Bryan looked at her confused, "I-I mean you look beautiful too, HANDSOME I meant handsome" she said loudly. Rose slapped her forehead, "um...are you ok?" He asked, "yeah don't worry I'm fine" Rose said hoping she can save her.

"This is going horribly" Gale whispered, "I'm trying my best, do you want to take over!?"

"No I'm good, this is too entertaining" he smirked, Rose rolled her eyes. "You think this is going horribly?" Bryan asked he stood up, Kaitlyn accidently repeated what Gale said. "No no! This food is horrible"

"But the food didn't even come yet"

"Um..I dont know...can we just forget that I said that"

"Forget that you said what?" Bryan laughed, Rose sighed in releaf, "Nice save, this time" Gale crossed his arms, "I bet if we can get her a kiss we're gonna be free to go." Their food arrived

"Ugh, true love" he gagged, "Excuse me? Love has saved a Kingdom or two" Rose made sure to cover the microphone so Kaitlyn wouldn't hear them. "Not strong enough to to save my family" he whispered to himself. He saw Rose had a concered look, "so how you gonna get them to kiss?" He changed the subject.

She uncovered the microphone, "Kaitlyn, move closer too him" she spoke, Kaitlyn slowly scooched over, Bryan smiled at her. "So how's the salad?" He asked, "its good" Kaitlyn took a bite. "You don't have to be nervous around me you know, I like you Kaitlyn, alot" he chuckled "if I didn't we wouldn't be on our like 4th date" he put his arm around her.

Kaitlyn just stared at him blushing, "she's blanking! What should I say!?" Rose covered the microphone. Gale sighed "look, the thing is, I've lost so much, my world right now is like dark cave, and you, are like the only light in this cave, and I don't want to lose it" Kaitlyn said.

Gale stepped away from the phone. "Kaitlyn, I had no idea" he hugged her. Rose smiled "stop that" Gale scoffed at her. Rose peaked through the crack in the bag, she saw Bryan and Kaitlyn had locked lips, "hey! You did it, WOAH!" The bag shifted.

Rose lost balanced a nearly fell, luckily Gale caught her. His arms were rapped around her and Gale and Rose were now inches from each other's face. They stared at each other, Rose's heart sped up, Gale stared into her beautiful brown eyes.

"So...looks like our plan worked..." Rose finally said, "yeah, we're going home" Gale  lightly laughed, and let go, Rose was slightly disappointed.

Bryan and Kaitlyn took a moon lit stroll. Rose sat in silence while Gale twisted his ring around his finger. "Where did you get that" Rose asked looking a the ring. "None of your business"

"I know, it's just Bonny told me you spent the charity money on the ring"

"Well I didn't, I did donate the money"

"Then why.." Rose was cut off by Gale yelling. "You wanna know so bad!? My parents gave it to me just before they were taken away by your kind!" He marched to the other side of the bag.

"My kind? You mean royals?" Rose walked to him. "But I thought once King Richard returned your dad was no longer an outlaw" she sat down. "King Richard died last year, and Prince John being his only heir once again took over, the first thing he did was try to track down my family, we spent the entire summer that year hiding and living on the run, when the guards finally caught them my dad gave me this ring, he said as long as I wore it, it would be like I'm with him and we'll be together soon, the guards took my mom too, for high treason, luckily the next day was the first day of Fable Academy, so I ran to the school" a tear shed from Gales eyes.

"Gale, I'm so sorry" she put her hand on his. He quickly took his hand away, "you know you could've always asked for help"

"Oh yeah and who would help me, I'm Nightingale Hood, untrusted son of Robin Hood, my Marry Men are the only people I can trust, but they can't do anything to help." Rose moved closer to him,

"I'm gonna be honest, this whole problem we are in is my fault" Gale looked down. "What do you mean?"

"I planned that Charity Ball for my dad's charity to the poor" he said quietly. "Are you serious?! That's so amazing and sweet of you" Rose smiled. "Your not mad?"

"Not at all, this problem isn't your fault, it's the head masters, and when we get back to the Academy I'm gonna give them a piece of my claws" both laughed. The bag opened, "hey guys thank you for an amazing night, we are going out again tomorrow night" Kaitlyn squeeled.

She hander Rose a marble "when you get back to the Outside step on this marble, and transportation will appear"

"Thanks" Rose said. Kaitlyn dropped them both off at the bean stalk and they slid down. "King, your still here?" Rose hugged him. "No time had passed" Gale checked his phone. He ran into the house and picked up Jack and the Beanstalk book.

"Alright ready? Wait where's Trixie?" Rose asked. "Trixie!" Gale called. She came running and leaped up into his arms. Rose stepped on the marble, a portal opened and a taxi came through it.  "Passage to Fable Academy?"

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