hermione's horcrux hunch.

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1997 (After Bill and Fleur's Wedding)

"-go," she choked out the last bit of what she'd been trying to say back at the Burrow. Looking around it was blatantly clear that they no longer remained there, but rather in the city.

"Harry James Potter!" Haley finally released her brother's hand only so that she could properly begin hitting him repeatedly.

"How. Dare. You. Try. And. Leave. Like. That!" she yelled at him between swats, scared out of her mind. If she hadn't latched onto him at the last minute, he'd be gone, deserting her so that she could spend months worrying over where he'd gone or if he was even still alive.

"You weren't supposed to come along!" Ron cut in, not looking at Haley, oddly enough.

As Hermione coerced Haley into ceasing her attack, the quartet soon found that they weren't alone.

"Fred?" Haley couldn't believe her eyes. "How?" she didn't know what else to say.

"I was only trying to get to you," he told her, "I didn't know Hermione was going to disapparate the lot of us," the redhead appeared to be just as upset as his best mate.

"It wasn't my intention to do so," the brunette defended, "only Harry, Ron, and I were meant to be here."

"None of you should be here," Haley argued, over her initial shock of seeing Fred. "Harry and I should be back at home," she told them, her face heating up, "I thought you were actually going to listen to me," she faced her brother, "but clearly I was wrong to trust you."

He felt terrible. "Haley-"

"Save it," she spat. "For the past several months you've been keeping secrets, going behind my back, and lying straight to my face. I believed you were a better person than that," she shook her head. "I thought we had a better relationship than this."

"We do-" he tried convincing her.

"No, Harry," she felt her anger begin to fade as it was being replaced with an overwhelming sadness. "Obviously, we don't. If we did, you wouldn't be keeping things from me," Haley stated truthfully. "We used to be a team," she went on, "and now I can't even trust you anymore."

"We can't go back," Ron spoke through the tense silence.

"He's right," Hermione told them, "We need to keep moving."

Hesitantly, Haley could only agree.

The Next Morning

"Where do you think they went?" George asked Maggie as the couple sat within the flat above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

"To search for the last remaining horcruxes, I assume," she informed him solemnly.

George took a sip from his cup of coffee before slowly setting it back down upon the dining table. "How could they just leave like that?" he wished to know, both worried and incredibly disappointed.

Maggie shifted in her seat across from the twin, her fingers laced together and resting against the wooden surface. "I don't think Haley or Fred meant for any of this to happen," she began, trying to solve this little mystery. "Harry was probably planning to leave all along. Ron and Hermione, of course, wouldn't allow for him to go it alone, so they became a part of this scheme of sorts," the blonde had it now. "Haley tried stopping her brother when she realized what he was trying to do, but only managed to get caught up in the situation, rather than prevent it. The same could be said for Fred," she added lastly.

"I just hope they're safe," George said after a few minutes went by. He understood now, thanks to Maggie, but hardly liked any of it.

"Me too," his fiancé whispered sadly.

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