lifeless words carry on.

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May 1994

While George had opted to stay back at the castle with Maggie (his girlfriend), Harry, Ron, Hermione, Haley, and Fred had just finished witnessing Buckbeak's execution.

Not even five minutes after the tragic display, the younger Weasley took off after his rat (which had escaped from his hands after biting him).

"Ron, where are you going?" Hermione called out for him, confused.

"I told you we shouldn't have come out here," Haley berated her brother, having originally tried stopping him from seeing such a horrific thing.

"Then we wouldn't have seen that amazing punch," Fred complimented Hermione's blow against Draco.

"And I wouldn't have to hear it from Amaryllis all night in return," she complained, knowing her friend would be more than displeased when she heard that Haley did nothing to protect her brother.

"I didn't think about that," the twin confessed, feeling a bit bad for her.

"Of course not," she shook her head, watching as Harry set off after his two friends. "We best follow them."

Fred nodded in agreement, thereafter following her as she ran towards the trio.

"Run!" the two heard Ron shout once they reached the thirteen year olds. "It's the grim!" he pointed behind where they stood.

The quartet quickly turned their heads at that, afterwards taking notice to the large, black dog. And before anyone could act, it leapt over them and started running towards the Whomping Willow.

"Ron!" Fred was the first to take action. He chased after his brother once the beast began dragging him into the magic tree.

"Fred!" Haley yelled after he'd vanished into the willow along with Ron, Scabbers, and the dog.

She, like Harry and Hermione, tried entering as well, only to be violently swatted away.

"Wait," the sixteen year old stopped the younger Gryffindors when they tried perusing the violent plant once more. "I know a spell that will temporarily petrify it," she informed them, afterwards casting said incantation.

"I should have thought of that," Hermione scolded herself.

"Come on," Harry didn't want to waste any more time. "We need to get Ron and Fred out of there."

Feeling the same, both girls joined the raven haired boy and made their way into the Shrieking Shack.

Fifteen Minutes Later

"Give Sirius a chance to explain," Remus pleaded with Harry as he'd been all too keen to keep on attacking him.

"Why should he?" Haley desired to know, standing beside her father whom had joined them not long after Lupin had.

"He isn't who you believe him to be," the professor tried convincing the siblings and Severus (who was completely on Harry's side with wanting to kill Black).

"I'll leave it up to my brother," Haley decided, unsure of what to do. She glanced over at Fred who appeared torn between caring for Ron's leg and watching the dramatic scene in front of him.

"Fine," Harry wanted to hear whatever story Sirius had to tell.

"You do not have to listen to Black," Snape said the name with much venom. "He hardly deserves your attention," he told him, his wand still directed at Sirius.

"I should hear this," Harry replied, his mind made.

Hesitantly, Severus lowered his defenses.

"Go on, then," Haley told the deranged looking man.

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