to meet again.

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The utensil in Haley's hand dropped and clattered into the bowl, causing the scolding-hot broth to splash all over the sheets and, regretfully, onto her arms as well. The pain, while it should have felt searing and intense, was numb and nearly non-existent as her mind traveled elsewhere.

'Okay', she thought, 'so Snape had allowed their previous dispute to surpass them...sort of. Well, he didn't mention it the next morning or anything,' which was good enough for her. But after what took place in Diagon Alley, she highly doubted the man would be nearly as forgiving. 'If that's what he even was before,' Haley mentally added. Maybe the professor had just refrained from speaking of it because...wait, what reason did he have for not berating her? Hadn't she screamed and fought with him just the same last night as she had today? That being considered, could there be a possibility that this latest tantrum could slide by as well? 'No, that would be very unlikely,' she knew.

While the first fight had been somewhat warranted, her father still provided her a room to stay in afterwards, along with the promise to buy her clothes and supplies. 'And this is how I repay him?' she scolded herself. 'By throwing it all back in his face simply because he refused to slow down?' Haley shook her head. It was more than that. Her reasons behind what she had done ran far deeper.

So, did Mrs. Weasley know all of this? Had she been aware of her misbehavior, thus sending for her father as a result?

"Haley!" someone shouted from far away (or so it seemed).

"Mum, what's happening?" a boy asked frantically.

"Why isn't she answering us?" another demanded, also coming off as frightened.

Then, a woman's voice came into play, much calmer sounding, and was speaking words of some foreign language. While Haley was unable to make out what the words were, let alone what they meant, she was able to register the fact that her arms felt cold, yet soothing all the same. They were relaxed, and free of tension, almost as if they were experiencing some sort of pain previously.

'Pain,' Haley mused, still not entirely aware of her surroundings. 'Am I hurt?' she wondered in her dream-like state. 'No...' she thought about it, 'Why would I be?' Suddenly, all of the memories came flooding back. 'The fireplace...the Weasley's...hitting her head...Fred, George, Percy, Bill (the list went on)...then the soup...and finally, her father. He was on his way.'

Haley shot up. Her already opened eyes went wider. She looked around the room, finding a twin at either side of her bed, and an elder woman hovering over her face concernedly.

"What," she began, scared and insecure, "-what happened?"

Molly sighed in relief and stowed her wand back into her pocket. Fred and George decided to use that time in order to grab onto the raven-haired girl so tight that she nearly suffocated.

"There was an accident," Molly explained. "You spilled some soup," she went on, looking guilt-ridden. "I should have made certain that it had cooled-"

"Please, don't blame yourself, Mrs. Weasley," Haley jumped in, feeling just as bad, if not worse. "Wait," she suddenly noticed her discolored skin, "why are my arms red?"

"The broth burned them," Fred explained, "Then you started staring off," George continued, "And you wouldn't answer us," he told her, "It was really odd," the previous boy confessed, "and terrifying."

"I was able to heal the blisters," Molly informed her, "the swelling and irritated skin may take some time to settle down, however."

"Thank you," Haley smiled, despite her embarrassment. This was the second time in just a single day that she had managed to hurt herself around the Weasley's. Now she felt as if she owed them for their care. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you-"

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