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Summer 1997

"Harry, just return to school for Merlin's sake!" Haley yelled as they were in the midst of another argument. Ever since Dumbledore's death, it seemed, fighting was all they ever did.

"It isn't safe there anymore," Harry pointed out, standing from his place on the floor. Before his sister walked in, he'd been sitting on the ground in order to better pack everything he would need into his trunk. Today, Lily's youngest had finally come of age. It was because of this, he knew staying at Snape Manor any longer than necessary would only put Severus' and Haley's lives at risk.

Believing that to be true, Harry intended to pack the basic essentials and take off to finish the job his headmaster had started: finding and destroying the last remaining horcruxes.

Yes, Ron and Hermione were supposed to join him, but this was prior to his sister interfering.

Originally, the siblings were meant to attend Bill and Fleur's wedding with strict instructions to return home afterwards. Well, Harry never intended on coming back to the Manor. No, instead he'd planned to meet up with his two best friends some time during the after party and take off when nobody would notice.

That was until Fred Weasley ruined everything.

See, the trio had been discussing this plan of theirs just after Dumbledore's funeral when Fred caught them. The twin didn't bother denying that he'd heard everything and also opted against lying when they begged for him not to tell anybody else; because of course he'd tell Haley. They all knew it from the moment Fred made his presence no longer a hidden one. And while Ron and Hermione were furious, Harry couldn't be upset with him. He had known how Fred felt about his sister and for how long he'd been trying to get her attention. Honestly, Harry couldn't blame the poor guy no matter how much he wished he'd keep this secret.

"Just because Dumbledore is gone, it doesn't automatically mean Hogwarts is no longer safe," Haley protested.

Harry was supposed to return to school as they and Severus collectively agreed upon...but apparently the arrangement had been a lie for said boy; a lie that only Haley, Fred, and his two best mates were now aware of.

Harry sighed, "I have to find these horcruxes, you've heard the prophecy," he bitterly reminded her.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to go hunting them down," she reasoned, walking over to her brother and gently taking from him a shirt he'd been about to pack. "Let the Order sort this out," Haley suggested, "at least return for your seventh year if nothing else." Green eyes speckled with obsidian shined pleadingly.

Harry gave her a sad look and snatched the top back, "You know I can't do that," he denied her request. "No one else is going to die," he told her firmly, shutting his trunk, "not for me."


"If the two of you still intend on partaking in this wedding, I suggest you leave soon," Severus interrupted, now standing in the doorway of Harry's bedroom. Luckily, he appeared not to have overheard anything.

"Right," Haley smiled weakly, "sorry, dad we just got a bit caught up. Harry wanted to get a head start on packing for the new term and lost track of time," she lied smoothly, praying he wouldn't see through the deceit. Years of occlumency training had her just as skilled with words as the potion's master now.

"Yeah," her brother agreed, surprised she didn't rat him out then and there, "sorry Severus."

The man merely nodded and strode away.

"He's suspicious," Haley said immediately after he had left. She turned back to face Harry, "You're not running away tonight," she informed him, leaving no room for debate, "We're going to that wedding and are coming back home together. Don't even think about taking off, Harry, because I'll be watching you the entire time," her eyes narrowed, knowing he'd try and pull something regardless, "we'll finish this discuss when we return," she finished. It was then that she exited the room and embarked for the fireplace just down the stairs.

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