when blue meets yellow.

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June 1993

"And just where do you think you're going?"

Harry, Ron, and Professor Lockhart turned around to see Haley and the twins standing at the entrance into the girl's laboratory.

"We have to save Ginny," Harry told her, ever playing the hero.

"You know," Haley stepped forward slowly, her eyes dark, "I never thought bathrooms could be such dangerous places, yet it seems each time I walk into one, you're either in or are about to be in life-threatening situations. First the troll and now this?" she shook her head, "When are you going to realize that boys simply aren't welcome in the girl's lab?"

"Look, I know you're mad, but now really isn't the time-"

"Go back to bed, Harry," she demanded, not wanting to hear anything he was about to say.

"You know I can't do that," he told her, holding his ground.

"You can and you will," Haley stood right before him now, "I'm not letting you repeat last year's events," she crossed her arms determinedly.

"I'll be fine," he tried reassuring her.

"Like you were the other time?"

"This is different."

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."



"Harry, I swear-"

Just then Lockhart let out a blood curdling scream.


"What the hell?"

The twins rushed over to wear their brother stood just before the open Chamber.

"Someone had to go first," he shrugged, not regretting having pushed the professor down the hole.

"And how do you know he isn't dead?" Haley questioned, panicking.

"It's really quite dreadful down here," they heard Gilderoy say, putting them all at ease (excluding Ron, who seemed not to care at all for the egotistical man).

"Lovely," Haley sighed, getting as close to the seemingly bottomless pit as she could without falling into it, "Now we've got to figure out a way to-"

"What happened to the sink?" Moaning Myrtle's high pitched voice startled her. She had always been all too easily frightened...and only now was that quite literally her downfall.

The moment she had jumped up in surprise, Haley found herself well on her way to join Lockhart.

"Haley!" the boys all called out for her, needing to know if she was alright.

"I'm fine!" she said about a minute later, calming them for the second time that evening.

"So am I, not that anybody seems to care," the professor spat, beyond angry that he'd been dragged into this.

"Don't let Harry or Ron come down here!" she pleaded to her best friends, not wanting the twelve year olds put in harm's way again.

"We won't!" they promised.

Soon after that, Haley and Gilderoy could hear the two younger boys fighting against the twins, trying desperately to get into the Chamber. Luckily, their efforts were futile as Fred and George had been successful in locking them out of the bathroom.

"Now what?" they asked her.

"Go find my dad!" she replied, aware that he'd be able to get her and the professor out.

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