first impressions.

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While Minerva had set off after Lily's daughter, Dumbledore summoned Professor Snape into his office, hoping to explain what was soon to take place before the child's arrival. He thought it would be most unfair to have this news suddenly thrust upon the young man in Haley's presence.

"Severus, my boy," Albus greeted, his blue eyes twinkling at the potion's master. "Lemon drop?" he offered.

"No," Snape declined bitterly, wanting the headmaster to get on with it. He had much more important matters to partake in.

"I insist," the old man tried again, knowing that Severus would require one (they were laced with a very powerful calming draught, afterall).

Eyes narrowed, Snape snatched one from the silver dish and popped it into his mouth.

Placing the remaining treats back on his desk, Albus merely smiled at the annoyed look his young colleague wore.

"What is it you require, headmaster?" he asked impatiently after swallowing the all too sweet candy.

"Nothing more than your undivided attention," Dumbledore assured him, taking a seat behind his desk, suggesting that the other man do the same on the opposite side.

Curious, Severus complied and took the chair. "Well?" he pried after several moments of frustrating silence went by.

"Do try not to be upset with me, dear boy," Albus began, "For what I am about to divulge is most important," he explained, knowing that an angered Severus never thought clearly and acted irrationally.

The young professor braced himself, certain that the words to come were to be most unpleasant. This was the same tone Dumbledore used whilst discussing Lily's death seven years ago. "I see," Severus replied, tensing a bit. "Alright," he agreed at the man's questing gaze, inwardly making no promises.

Nodding knowingly, Albus continued regardless. "I am well aware of the amends you and Lily made upon your seventh year," he admitted.

'For a day,' Snape almost corrected. After that, the redhead had avoided him like the plague because of what happened that one night.

"I did not know, however" the blue eyes ceased their persistent twinkling, "about the existence of Mrs. Potter's firstborn."

Snape scowled, having hated when any person referred to Lily by her wedded name. However, he soon after recovered and inquired, "What are you saying, headmaster? You have known of the Potter spawn-"

"I am speaking of Lily's firstborn, Severus," he reminded the twenty-nine year old, "Not her second."

"Have you gone senile?" Snape snapped, refusing to believe that there was another Potter roaming the streets.

"I am afraid not," Dumbledore replied sadly, wishing that he had rather than this being the truth. "On October the fourth of the year 1978, Mrs. Potter delivered a child at St. Mungo's. It was not until a year past Harry's birth that Minerva informed me of this," he admitted, not allowing Severus to cut in, "Not having the means to support the infant, young Lily asked Professor McGonagall to place the newborn in the care of another family."

"And Potter agreed?" Snape couldn't help but to ask.

Albus shook his head, "It was not his decision to make." Then, at the younger man's confused expression, he admitted, "The child did not belong to James."

The headmaster hadn't seen the potion's master this surprised in years. He watched as Severus put the pieces together.

"But how-"

"Concealment charms, my boy," Dumbledore supplied, knowing what he was about to ask. "It was a well kept secret for several years by her and Minerva."

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