Unknown Party

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Unknown POV

    I sit in one of the beach chairs in front of the beach house that we rented. The nice breeze in my hair, the perfect amount of sun to give me a killer suntan, and my favorite magazine, "Papi for you" a favorite gossip magazine since one of my good friends became the photographer. I look through each page, 'commenting on how basic these girls were. As I skimmed through the pages, I saw a picture that intrigued me. 

"Shut the hell up." I shook my head. This slut, this is unbelievable, completely ludicrous. 

"Babe, what happened?"

"Take a look for yourself," I said while the magazine was held to his face.

 "Wow, how loose is she? I can't believe she would that. Lemme call..."

"No, I have a better idea."


soooo unknown party??????????

thank you for still being a reader and constructive criticism is welcome.

Be good for me will ya 

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