Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Percy's POV

Annabeth and I hopped into the limo that would take us to the wedding reception. We had a driver who would take us there. It was going to be an at least an hour drive.

As we were driving, I thought about how Annabeth and I planned the wedding, Piper was helping us.


"So what do you guys want for the wedding?" Piper asked.

"I want it at camp." I said firmly.

"Ok, sure. We need a rose arch, some benches, a table..." Piper muttered to herself.

"Hold on! What about my dress!" Annabeth shouted.

"Ok, the girls and I will go shopping with you." Piper replied.

"Hey! What about me?" I asked.

"It's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding gown before the wedding."

"Oh, ok." I said.

"Now the invitations."

"I want just a plain one, but outlined with sliver, shaped kind of like vines." Annabeth said.

"Can it be sea-green, with a picture of a bride and groom?" I asked.

"Sure." Piper said, "Who do you want to send it to?"

"My dad, stepmom, stepbrother, aunts and uncles, and everyone at Camp." I said.

"My mom, dad, stepbrothers, stepmom, and my aunts and uncles."

"Great. Give me their address."

Annabeth and I gave her the addresses of everyone that we wanted to come.

"Thanks. Now the food."

"I don't know anything about ordering food, but just make it blue." I said

Piper looked at me strangely.


"Yay!" I shouted like a little kid.

Everyone at Camp received the invitation and congratulated us. My dad was really happy. According to Annabeth, so was her family.

End of Flashback

We had a good laugh at that time, with the blue food. Annabeth and the girls had gone shopping for the gown while the guys helped me pick a tuxedo.


"You should get a gray one." Travis said.

"Nah, dark blue." Jason replied.

"You should a yellow one!" Conner shouted jokingly.

We looked at him harshly.

"Ok, ok, chill, it was a joke!"

"How about a black tux?" Nico asked.

"Get green! Might bring out your eyes!" Leo yelled.

"Might?" I asked him.

"I don't know anything about fashion!"

"I think I'll go with a black tuxedo." I said.

"Ha ha! He picked my idea!" Nico shouted.

The rest of the guys glared at him. Nico quieted.

"What kind of tie?" the clerk asked.

"How about blue?" Conner asked.





"That's it!" I shouted. "A sea-green tie!"

We bought the stuff and drove back to camp.

End of Flashback

We laughed about that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Annabeth said my name.

"Percy! Let's go!"

We ran into the building our family rented. Everything was set up. A huge disco ball on the ceiling. Streamers covered everything. Two tables were set up. One with food, another with gifts. There was a huge dance floor, and a DJ station.

We arrived and everyone cheered and smiled. Then a slow, romantic song began to play. This was the song for Annabeth's and my first couple's dance. I grabbed her hand and put my other one on her waist. She put her hand on my shoulder. We began dancing and gracefully spun on the dance floor. We slow danced for a few minutes. I spun her around and led her into a dip. Then leaned in and kissed her.

Everyone beamed. Then a quick song started playing. Everyone ran on the floor and danced. We ate food, sang karaoke, and danced some more. It's was an amazing night. Annabeth smiled at we. We ran back to the limo to drive home.

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