Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Annabeth's POV
      I walked down the stairs to the living room, where my mother was waiting. There were some pancakes on the table. I sat down, grabbed a plate, and started eating.
"Good morning, Annabeth."
"Good morning, mother."
      This was how our conversations were like. We'd say hi and just stop talking. Anyway, I was thinking about the singing contest. This must mean a lot to Camp Half-blood. They obviously enjoy music and shouldn't have it taken away from them. Then I hear my mother's voice coming from downstairs.
"Bye Annabeth! I'm going to work!"
"Ok! Bye mother! Have a good day!"
      I started washing the dishes. Thank goodness I was off today. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to answer it. When I opened the door, Percy was standing there.
"Annabeth, do you want to go out."
      Whoa, was he asking me out? Should I say yes or no? Um....
"Sure, Percy. Where do you have in mind?"
"We could go to my secret hideout."
"You have a secret hideout? Ok, cool. Let's go."
       I followed Percy as he walked toward an old building. We climbed us the rusty ladders and sat on the very top of the building.
"Aren't you scared we're going to fall?"
"Nope. Not really. I just love the view."
"I guess it is really pretty."
"So what do you do at work?"
"I'm an architect. I design buildings and stuff like that."
"Oh, that's cool. I teach marine biology at a high school and I work at a  and work at my dad's business, with like sales and stuff. For some reason, they're all based on fish."
      I laughed. Percy was really funny and made me really happy. I was cute too. He also liked music. Like me! I guess I'm in love with him.
Percy's POV
     Annabeth laughed. She was really cute when she laughed. I told her more stories about work, like the time the Stolls slapped me for missing practice. She also laughed at that.
"Hey Annabeth?"
"Yeah Percy?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sure Perce."
      It was so hard to get these words out. I truly loved Annabeth, but I didn't want to tell her this. It would break my heart. I wanted to cry. No, Percy. Crying is not the right thing to do.
"Hey, Percy, can I say something?"
      Her voice took me away from my thoughts.
"Sure, Annabeth."
       She looked like she wanted to cry.  She was at war with herself. I decided to speak.
"Annabeth, it's getting late. We should go to camp."
"Sure Percy,"
      As soon as we buckled our seatbelts, Annabeth was wiping tears from her eyes. She saw me looking and looked away. We drove to camp in silence.
    When we got to camp, everyone saw our unhappy faces. Thalia ran over to us and gave us a hug.
    Now Thalia wasn't a hugger. Especially not to me. We must have looked really sad. Annabeth's eyes were red. So she was crying. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew she wouldn't appreciate it. I wanted to tell her I loved her. I hated seeing her like this, but I couldn't. The words were stuck in my mouth.
Rachel's POV
     Annabeth, the girl Percy likes, is crying. This is great. I turned to looked at Percy. He looked very sad, concerned, and distraught. I, on the other hand, was jumping for joys. He might not like her now!
      I walked over to Percy, trying to look as pretty as possible.
"Hey Percy. Wanna go out later?"
"Sorry Rachel, I have to do something."
     He walked away. I felt liked I had just been slapped across the face. Percy. Just. Rejected. Me! Oh my goodness! Why would he do that?
    I looked at Annabeth again, but not with hate. She looked sad and unhappy. How could I have felt this way towards her. If Percy didn't like me, than he deserves to be with Annabeth. She hadn't done anything to me. I had a change of heart. I ran over to her and gave her a hug.
"Rachel? W-w-what are you doing?" Annabeth was still crying, but there were less tears.
"I'm giving you a hug. What do you think?" I told her
"Thanks, Rachel." She smiled a bit.
"No problem, Annabeth."
      After that we became pretty close friends. Not as close as her and Thalia, but still friends. We sat down and started talking.
"Hey Annabeth."
"What's up, Rachel."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Do you like Percy?"
      She looked nervous. She also looked kind of happy hearing his name.
"Well, Annabeth?"
"Um...........ok, fine. I do like Percy."
      A smile lit up my face.
"I can get you two together! Yay!"
"It's just.........."
      Annabeth looked sad.
"Just what, Annabeth?"
"M-m-my m-m-mother m-m-made a-an a-a-arranged m-m-marriage b-between m-me and t-the s-son of t-the o-owner of O-O-Ocean I-I-Inc." she stammered.
     Annabeth looked near tears. In fact, a few were streaming down her face.
"Oh, Annabeth!" I gave her a hug.
"Hey Rachel, Annabeth! Come downstairs we need you for singing!" Jason yelled from downstairs.
     Annabeth wasn't such a bad person.

Music and Marriage | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora