Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Annabeth's POV

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. Jason was able to book our first concert ever, after the competition. People wanted to hear us sing. We're going to practice for the concert in Madison Square Garden.

I ran downstairs to have breakfast. My mother was sitting at the table, with some French toast in front of her. She was getting ready for work.

"Morning mother."

"Morning Annabeth. I made some French toast for breakfast."

"Ok, thanks mother."

I grabbed a fork, sat down, and started eating.

"Bye Annabeth!"

"Bye mother."

She left. I grabbed the book I was reading yesterday and flipped to the page I was on.

One hour later, the doorbell rang. I immediately knew who it was, Percy. I ran to open the door. There he was.

"Hey Annabeth."

"Hi Percy."

"Let's get going."


We ran to the car and hopped in. Percy started driving to camp. We were so happy, because of last night's news. Percy and I were destined to marry. Not only because we loved each other, we would help the economy through this marriage.

As soon as we got out of the car, the others called us over. Percy and I ran to them. We were greeted with hugs. Jason called a meeting.

"Hey guys! Meeting!" he shouted.

We all ran inside and sat on the couches. Jason was telling us about the concert we'll be singing at.

"Since our concert is at Madison Square Garden, it's a huge space. We might to shout to be heard. There will be microphones so we have to be loud, but not shout. We should discuss songs and dances. Anyone got an idea?" Jason asked.

Travis raised his hand, "We could do the chicken dance!" he said.

"Oh yeah man!" Leo joined in.

The two boys were dancing and singing so off-key, that it made us laugh. We were all laughing so hard, my stomach hurt. They finished their dance.

"Any other ideas?" Jason asked again.

"How about 'Chained to the rhythm'?" Piper asked.

"Ok that's one." Jason told the group.

I suddenly had an idea. We could write our own songs!

"Guys, let's write our own songs!" I said.

"Annabeth, that's brilliant!" Percy exclaimed and kissed me.

Everyone else nodded and said, "Yeah. Let's do it!"

"Ok, let's get to work. Well have two people writing these songs. The same two that were assigned a duet together." Jason said.

"Yay!" everyone yelled.

Percy and I ran to the room we practiced in. We came up with some lyrics.

We walked through the storm together.

I won't leave you ever.

You've helped me grow strong

Make me feel like I belong.

I'm falling in love with you.

Our hope for us is true

We've been through so much together

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