Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Percy's POV

I woke up and remembered that we won the competition. Yay! We kept our Camp. Annabeth was my girlfriend. I smiled. I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth.

I ran downstairs with a grin on my face. My father was sitting at the table. Two plates filled with bacon, eggs, and pancakes sat in front of him. I sat down at the table.

"Morning dad!" I said happily.

"Morning Percy. Well someone looks happy today." He said as he looked at my face.

"Did you win the competition?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." I said, still smiling.

"You better get to Camp to celebrate."

"Ok, bye dad!"

I raced to the door.

"Oh, and Percy?"

"Yeah, dad?"

"You have a date with your fiancé at 8:00"

This news dampened my mood.

"Uh...Ok! Bye!"

I ran out the door and into my car. I have a date with my fiancé, great. Someone I don't want to meet. I started the car and drove to Annabeth's house to pick her up.

I knocked on her door. She opened it and smiled. I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, Annabeth."

"Hi Percy."

We went to the car and drove to camp. She was silent. When we got to camp, everyone greeted us with hugs. They all looked happy and joyful.

"Guys come on! The party's just starting!" Leo shouted.

Everyone ran inside and Leo turned in the radio. We all started dancing. The newest songs were playing like 'Shape of You' and 'This is what you came for'.

Then a slow song started playing. Leo was about to turn it off, but I told him not to.

"Leo, wait." I turned to Annabeth, I bowed and held out my hand, "A dance, my lady?"

She smiled and took my hand. We brought ourselves into a dancing position. Her hand on my shoulder, mine on her waist. We began slow-dancing. Our feet traced a box. Annabeth was a skilled and graceful dancer. Jason and Piper also started dancing. Everyone else formed couples to dance.

Annabeth and I danced a waltz for a little while. Then I twirled her and dropped her for a dip.

"Well, you're quite the dancer." Annabeth said with a smirk.

"I guess I am." I told her.

I pulled her into her upright position and kissed her. Everyone was watching us. They smiled and smirked. We slow-dance for half an hour. Then, Leo turned on the karaoke machine.

"Let's do what we do best, singing!" He shouted.

We all ran to the karaoke machine and picked songs to sing. Before I knew it, it was 7:45.

"Oh no! It's 7:45." I said.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"We gotta go."

"Why..." she checked her watch, "I have to be somewhere!"

"Yeah, so do I. Let's go."

We said bye to everyone and ran to the car. I drove really fast to Annabeth's house and gave her a quick kiss. I drove back to my house. When I opened my door, my dad was wearing a tuxedo.

"Hey son, better go change. I left the clothes on your bed!"

"Ok, thanks dad."

I ran upstairs and changed into the tuxedo. Then I brushed my hair and teeth. I looked in the mirror. I actually looked ok. I ran back downstairs. Dad and I went to the car and hopped in. We stopped by Demeter's Flower Shop to buy a few roses for my fiancé.

I parked in front of a fancy restaurant, called Chef's Place. It had Italian food. Dad got a reserved table for dad, my fiancé, her mom, and me. I sat down. Dad sat across from me.

Then five minutes later, a dark haired lady walked in. She sat down next to my father. She had gray eyes, like Annabeth. Then, a figure walked in behind her. I could tell it was a girl. She had long curly blond hair. The hat she was wearing covered her face. She sat down next to me and took off her hat. It was...Annabeth?! Her gray eyes were twinkling as usual, but looked surprised.

Her blond hair tumbled down her back. Her mouth was shaped in a perfect o in shock.



Our parents sat there, laughing

"You didn't tell him?" Athena said, giggling.

Poseidon was chuckling.

"What? I was supposed to marry the daughter of the owner of Athens Co.!" I exclaimed.

"I am the owner of Athens Co. and Annabeth is my daughter." Athena replied.

"I'm supposed to marry the owner of Ocean Inc.'s son!" Annabeth yelled.

"I'm the owner of Ocean Inc. and Percy's my son." Poseidon explained.

Annabeth and I looked at each other. We were both shocked but very happy.

"I hope you guys can learn to love each other." Poseidon said.

"Don't worry, we will." I answered.

"How do you know?" Athena asked.

"We've been dating for a little while now." Annabeth told her.

"What!" Poseidon and Athena said at the same time.

"Yeah, we've been dating." I explained.

Athena and Poseidon looked at each other. Then Athena turned to us.

"At least, we know you'll be happy." She said.

We both nodded. Then a waiter came by. We all ordered spaghetti. Annabeth and I started giggling.

"What is it?" Athena asked.

"N-n-nothing." I said while laughing.

We all finished our food and payed the check. I kissed Annabeth goodbye. Then dad and I ran back to the car. We jumped in.

"Well, are yo happy to find out you're marrying Annabeth?" he asked.

I nodded. We drove back home. I ran upstairs to change into my pjs. I wished dad a goodnight and slid into bed. Annabeth was perfect. Her honey-blond hair. Her sparkling gray eyes. Her perfect pink lips. She would look stunning in her wedding dress. We would say our vows and kiss. Then we would be husband and wife. We would have a family together. Then I fell asleep.

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