86: reunion night

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A FEW DAYS AFTER New Year's, Camila finds herself being dragged to an alumni dinner on West Broadway, completely underdressed. Though no one around her is dressed to the nines, they still look as if they've spent some time on their appearance.

    It was a last minute thing—she had just finished rehearsal before Jeremy whisked her away. There's not a touch of makeup on her face (though she doesn't much care for it, she could've at least did her eyebrows) and she's wearing an oversized summer camp hoodie. The hoodie is so old that there are holes forming near the collar but it's so soft Camila can't bring herself to throw it away.

    Camila sits in between Jeremy and Oliver Knight.

    "So why are you in New York, Knight?" Jeremy asks, caging Camila into their conversation even though she doesn't even know Oliver.

    Well, she knows Oliver. Everyone knows Oliver. Oliver is that one guy that—even though he's always seen keeping to himself—hung out with everyone, even kids from other schools. He was on the same team as Jeremy and Laurent and was often the one that broke up the fights.

    "You know...just wanted to meet my favorite person," Oliver says, leaning into his seat.

    "Who may that be?" Jeremy asks with a grin.

    "You, of course." Then he chuckles. "I'm flying back to Australia and wanted to stop by."

    "New York isn't even on the way but sure," Jeremy says.

    Camila sips her drink awkwardly between them.

    "Oh, sorry. I'm Oliver," he introduces himself, getting out a hand for her to shake. "You're Cam, aren't you? Camila? I think I went to one of your recitals a few years ago."

    His voice is smooth and warm—inviting like his character is. Camila is fond of him immediately and sits back, letting their talking roll over her as she thinks.

    Elle, Roma, and Laurent all left on different days. Laurent was the most recent—he was dropped off at the airport by Camila (Jeremy couldn't make it).

    She slept most of the way there, slumped against his shoulder and exhausted from their previous day of eating everything in sight. She woke up, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, sent him off, and expects to hear back from him when he lands. The ride back to Penn Station was surprisingly lonely without him, and she wished she stayed awake to treasure their time together more.

    "Anyway, I think I'll take an internship there," Oliver says.

    "There? Australia?" Camila asks. "For what?"

    "Baking. Cooking, or something like that." He leans towards her and Jeremy, less engaged with the conversation the rest of their classmates are having. It's the sort of dinner for children who aren't back home and who want to meet with familiar faces.

    "You'd be the perfect girlfriend," Jeremy jokes.

    "Asshole," Oliver and Camila both say.

    "I can whip your ass better than I whip those egg whites just like any girlfriend out there," Oliver says with a wide grin. "But really, I'm trying to master macarons."

    "I honestly didn't know you baked," Jeremy says as a sort-of-apology-but-it's-not-really-needed-because-they're-friends-and-understand-each-other.

    "Not really a huge hobby but definitely want to improve my skills, you feel?" Oliver says. "How's the music thing going? Both of you."

    "Great. Kinda bored with the band but I'll get over it," Jeremy replies.

    "Tired," Camila sighs.

    Before Oliver can reply, their food is served and all talk is forgotten. They spend the rest of the evening laughing and rehashing old memories they've had since middle school.

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