15: the car ride

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TODAY IS ELLE'S big day. She either secures a consecutive date—this time only the two of them—with Roma or she'll just stay friends. As Elle's putting on mascara, she realizes that her eyebrows need another threading. That's not the only nagging thought she has.

    What if Roma only agreed because she thought it'd be a friends thing?

    It's not the first time it's happened. But Roma did kiss her back but.

    But, what if she did it because she thinks all girls are supposed to explore their sexualities during parties and the night of?

    Because this was what Elle struggled with growing up.

    It's a funny thing. Boys are supposed to be rigid in sexuality but girls? Not so much. Media encourages hot girls having sleepovers but boys? Not so much. Yet when girls are nothing but gay, that's where they get the most backlash.

    This is just a phase, right? You'll settle down after college, right?

    You don't look like a lesbian!

    "You're fucking right!" is what Elle would say to both.

    People love to watch girls be together but only if they're straight. So Elle doesn't know what this is with Roma because none of them explicitly said anything. Until then, she'll be in that constant lingo of are you sure? and is this just a fling?

    "Yuck," she whispers at the face she's making as she puts on lip gloss. It's a peony shade her ex gave her for Christmas last year and it smells like mint.

    Jeremy drives the biggest car out of the group—and only two of them have their own cars so it wasn't like they had a huge selection. Half a toasted bagel still in her hand and sunglasses on top of her head, she opens the passenger door without a second thought.

    "Good morning, sunshine." Laurent grins at her dismayed face.

    "Shotgun is always mine. You'll learn soon enough," she hisses before climbing to the back of the SUV.

    They pick up Camila next, en route, then Roma last.

    Elle's heart speeds up as she sees Roma stepping out of the front door. She opens the door and Roma joins her, pushing her to the middle of Camila and Roma.

    "Hey, Roma," Camila greets her and she compliments the shirt Roma has on—it's a soft mauve material that reaches the top of her thighs. It almost swallows Roma's frame and she has on tennis shorts.

    They listen to the radio and talk about what animals they'd like to see most and as always, Jeremy and Elle form two sides of the argument—are lions better than tigers? Laurent joins Elle's side just to spite Jeremy, who hoots as Roma admits that lions are superior.

    "Have you ever seen a white tiger? Those things are regal," Elle says and high fives Laurent in the front seat.

    "A group of lions are called a pride, so—"

    "Something you clearly don't have," Laurent cuts Jeremy off.

    Roma, who doesn't know how she got roped into this, gives a confused face to Camila who gives her a smile, as if saying this is just how it is. And although she said all animals are loved, she joins Jeremy's side because she knows Roma's too soft-mannered to hold up against both Laurent and Elle.

    The hierarchy of snark in and out of the car is presented like this:

    1. Jeremy Yang.

    2. Elle Arora (she'd be first but she's too lazy to be petty).

    3. Laurent King (he'd also be first but he's also too lazy).

    4. Camila Bean (only if someone does her wrong).

    5. Roma Vang (she shouldn't even be on the list).

    "Okay we're at the zoo!" Camila says, eager to get out and stretch her legs. Laurent peers over his shoulder at her in surprise (is she still a kid?) but smiles to himself when he sees the expression on her face.

    "I'll get tickets," Laurent says, the first out of the car.

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